As of Tue Feb 18 19:47:11 2025

IMVIM: Plots one image's values against another's


INNAME                             X-axis image name (name)
INCLASS                            X-axis image name (class)
INSEQ             0.0     9999.0   X-axis image name (seq. #)
INDISK            0.0        9.0   X-axis image disk unit #
IN2NAME                            Y-axis image name (name)
IN2CLASS                           Y-axis image name (class)
IN2SEQ            0.0     9999.0   Y-axis image name (seq. #)
IN2DISK           0.0        9.0   Y-axis image disk unit #
BLC                                Bottom left corner of input
TRC                                Top right corner of input
DOALIGN          -2.0        1.0   > 0 => alignment of X- and
                                   Y-axis images required

XINC             0.0        64.0   Plot every XINCth column
YINC             0.0        64.0   Plot every YINCth row
ZINC             0.0        64.0   Plot every ZINCth plane
OPTYPE                             How to do plotting: 'PTS ',
                                   'BINC','BIN ' ' '=>'PTS '
FUNCTYPE                           'BINC' only: transfer func.
                                   for plot symbol size:
                                     'LG' Logarithmic
                                      else linear
DPARM                              Parameters:
                                   (1) X minimum
                                   (2) X maximum
                                   (3) Y minimum
                                   (4) Y maximum
                                   (5) Number X bins (<= 512)
                                   (6) Number Y bins (<= 512)
                                   (7) Scale factor for symbols
                                   (8) Offset images in x
                                   (9) Offset images in y
LTYPE        -410.0       410.0    Type of labeling: 1 border,
                                   2 no ticks, 3 - 6 standard,
                                   7 - 10 only tick labels
                                   <0 -> no date/time
DOTV           -1.0         1.0    > 0 Do plot on the TV, else
                                   make a plot file
GRCHAN          0.0         8.0    Graphics channel 0 => 1.


Task:  Plots the pixel values of one image as a function of the
       pixel values of a second.  Optionally, the values may be
       "binned" prior to plotting.
  INNAME.....X-axis image name (name).     Standard defaults.
  INCLASS....X-axis image name (class).    Standard defaults.
  INSEQ......X-axis image name (seq. #).   0 => highest.
  INDISK.....Disk drive # of X-axis image. 0 => any.
  IN2NAME....Y-axis image name (name)      Standard defaults.
  IN2CLASS...Y-axis image name (class)     Standard defaults.
  IN2SEQ.....Y-axis image name (seq. #)    0 => highest.
  IN2DISK....Disk drive # of Y-axis image  0 => any.
  BLC........Bottom right corner in X-axis image of desired
             subimage.  Default is entire image.
  TRC........Top right corner in X-axis image of desired
             subimage.  Default is entire image.
  DOALIGN....Controls how the X-axis and Y-axis images are
             aligned (see HELP DOALIGN).  True (>.1) means that
             the images must agree in their coordinates.
  XINC ......Plot only every XINC'th column.
  YINC.......Plot only every YINC'th row.
  ZINC.......Plot only every ZINC'th plane
  OPTYPE.....How the program is to do plotting:
             'PTS ' : plot each pixel value pair included
             'BINC' : count pixel pairs in bins, plot symbol
                      size is function of bin count
             'BIN ' : count pixel pairs in bins, plot symbol
                      size is constant (for sampled bins)
             other  : taken as 'PTS '
  FUNCTYPE...('BINC' only): plot symbol transfer function
                'LG' => log, else linear.
  DPARM......Plot parameters:
             (1) X-axis minimum flux (in units of X-axis image).
             (2) X-axis maximum flux (in units of X-axis image).
                 Default X-axis image min to max
             (3) Y-axis minimum flux (in units of Y-axis image).
             (4) Y-axis maximum flux (in units of Y-axis image).
                 Default Y-axis image min to max
             (5) Number X-axis bins (10 - 512), default 128.
             (6) Number X-axis bins (10 - 512), default DPARM(5)
             (7) Scale factor for plotted symbols (+ signs).
                 'PTS ' symbols are 0.5 of a bin with 128 bins on each
                 axis forced.  'BIN ' symbols are 1.0 of a bin and
                 'BINC' symbols are 0.0-1.0 of a bin. All these are
                 then multiplied by DPARM(7); default 1.0.
             (8) Offset between aligned images in x-direction
                 The 2nd image will have a BLC(1) DPARM(8) less
                 than it would for correct position alignment.
             (9) Offset between aligned images in y-direction
                 The 2nd image will have a BLC(2) DPARM(9) less
                 than it would for correct position alignment.
  LTYPE.......Labelling type, see HELP LTYPE for details:
              1 = border, 2 = no ticks, 3 or 7 = standard, 4 or 8 =
              relative to ref. pixel, 5 or 9 = relative to subimage
              (BLC, TRC) center, 6 or 10 = pixels.  7-10 all labels
              other than tick numbers and axis type are omitted.
              Less than 0 is the same except that the plot file
              version number and create time are omitted.
              Add n * 100 to alter the metric scaling.
  DOTV........> 0 => plot directly on the TV device, otherwise
              make a plot file for later display on one or
              more devices (including the TV if desired).
  GRCHAN......Graphics channel (1 - 8) to use for line drawing.
              0 => 1 for labeling, 2 for bin plots, 4 for point plots.