AIPS HELP file for YINC in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 11 8:44:47 2025
Type: Adverb (Real)
Use: The increment associated with the second coordinate (rows) of an
image. It is often used with XINC and/or ZINC. Other uses with
uv data concern current or requested averaging time.
Null value: 0
Null value assignment is generally 1.
AGAUS.........Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to absorption-line spectra.
YINC is the increment in rows during the first pass of
AHIST.........Task to convert image intensities by adaptive histogram.
YINC is the window size in rows.
AVER..........Averages over time UV data sets in 'BT' order. YINC is
the averaging time in seconds.
IMLIN.........Fits and removes continuum emission from cube.
IMVIM.........Plots one image's values against another's.
KNTR..........Make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple
panels. YINC applies to the polarization vectors.
OTFUV.........Translates on-the-fly single-dish SDD format to AIPS UV
file. YINC is the number of records averaged together.
PANEL.........Convert HOLOG output to panel adjustment table.
PCNTR.........Generate plot file with contours plus polarization
vectors. YINC applies to the polarization vectors.
PLCUB.........Task to plot intensity vs x panels on grid of y,z pixels.
PLROW.........Plot intensity of a series of rows with an offset.
PROFL.........Generates plot file for a profile display.
PRTIM.........Prints image intensities from an MA catalog entry.
RFLAG.........Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe
visibilities. YINC is the number of records averaged
together before the algorithms are applied.
RMFIT.........Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U cube.
YINC is the increment in rows during the first pass of
RMSD..........Calculate rms for each pixel using data in a box around
the pixel.
SERCH.........Finds line signals in transposed data cube.
SMOTH.........Task to smooth a subimage from upto a 7-dim. image.
SUBIM.........Task to select a subimage from up to a 7-dim. image.
UVAVG.........Average or merge a sorted (BT, TB) uv database. YINC
is the averaging time in seconds.
UVDI1.........Subtract UV data(averaged up to one time) from the other
UV data. YINC is the averaging time in seconds.
UVRFI.........Mitigate RFI by Fourier transform or fitting the circle.
YINC is the solution interval.
VBMRG.........Merge VLBI data, eliminate duplicate correlations.
YINC is the integration time of the data in seconds.
XBASL.........Fits and subtracts nth-order baselines from cube (x
XGAUS.........Fits 1-dimensional Gaussians to images: restartable.
YINC is the increment in rows during the first pass of
XPLOT.........Plots image rows one at a time on the graphics or TV