As of Wed Nov 6 23:35:08 2024

BPEPL: plot bandpass table overlaying multiple times like BPEDT


INNAME                             Input UV data (name)
INCLASS                            Input UV data (class)
INSEQ                              Input UV data (seq. #)
INDISK                             Input UV data disk drive #
INVERS                             Input table file version no.
FREQID           -1.0              Frequency ID; 0 => 1
SUBARRAY          0.0              Subarray number 0 => 1.
TIMERANG                           Time range to include
BCHAN                              Lowest channel number
ECHAN                              Highest channel number
BIF                                First IF to include
EIF                                Last IF to include
ANTENNAS                           Antennas to include/exclude
DO3COLOR         -1.0       2.0    > 0 => color times
                                   < 0 black & white plot file
APARM                              Initial plot ranges for
                                   (1,2) amplitude
                                   (3,4) phase
                                   (5) fraction for phase
                                   (6) > 0 do image type plot
LTYPE        -410.0       410.0    Type of labeling: 1 border,
                                   2 no ticks, 3 standard, 4 rel
                                   to center, 5 rel to subim cen
                                   6 pixels, 7-10 as 3-6 with
                                   only tick labels
                                   <0 -> no date/time
DOTV           -1.0         1.0    > 0 Do plot on the TV, else
                                   make a plot file
GRCHAN          0.0         8.0    Graphics channel 0 => 1.
XYRATIO         0.0                X/Y ratio 0 -> fit TV or 1 PL
IMSIZE                             Size for grid plot when
                                   APARM(6) > 0.  0 -> 1000
BADDISK                            Disks to avoid for scratch


Type:  Task
Use:   This task makes plots much like BPEDT but can put them in plot
       files for later display rather than using the TV and
       interactivity.  The two polarizations are always plotted
  INNAME.....Input UV data file (name).       Standard defaults.
  INCLASS....Input UV data file (class).      Standard defaults.
  INSEQ......Input UV data file (seq. #).     0 => highest.
  INDISK.....Input UV data file disk drive #. 0 => any.
  INVERS.....Input table file version number, 0 -> current highest.
             The input file is not changed, but may be sorted.
  FREQID.....Frequency ID to edit.  0 => 1.
  SUBARRAY...Subarray number to edit.  0 => 1.
  TIMERANG...Time range of the data to be edited. In order:
             Start day, hour, min. sec, end day, hour, min. sec. Days
             are relative to the reference date.
  BIF........The lowest numbered IF to include.   0 => 1.
  EIF........The highest numbered IF to include. 0 =>highest.
             Note: not all data sets will have IFs.
  ANTENNAS...A list of antenna numbers to include.  0 => all.
  DO3COLOR...If DO3COL > 0, use 3 grey-scale image planes to plot the
             data in colors so as to differentiate between times.  The
             first time is pure red, the last nearly pure blue.  Blue
             can overwrite the earlier times.
             < 0 on plot files => make a black on white plot.  Use
                 DOCOLOR <= 0 in LWPLA
             = 0 on plot files, color plotted points with standard
                 color for GRCHAN (default = 4 = cyan).  Any DOCOLOR
                 works in LWPLA.
             > 0 on plot files plots points in suitable colors (as
                 above) on a black background.  DOCOLOR > 0 in LWPLA
                 is needed to see labels.
  APARM......Initial plot rnges - can change later
             (1) Minimum amplitude plotted
             (2) Maximum amplitude plotted  (1) >= (2) self-scale
             (3) Minimum phase (degrees) plotted
             (4) Maximum phase plotted   (3) >= (4) self-scale
             (5) Fraction of vertical scale for phase. 0 -> 0.3
             (6) > 0 => plot the bandpasses into memory and then
                 put the grid as an image onto the TV or the plot file.
                 If there are lots of times, this can be quite a
  LTYPE......Labelling type, see HELP LTYPE for details:
             1 = border, 2 = no ticks, 3 or 7 = standard, 4 or 8 =
             relative to ref. pixel, 5 or 9 = relative to subimage
             (BLC, TRC) center, 6 or 10 = pixels.  7-10 all labels
             other than tick numbers and axis type are omitted.
             Less than 0 is the same except that the plot file
             version number and create time are omitted.
             Add n * 100 to alter the metric scaling.
  DOTV.......> 0 => plot directly on the TV device, otherwise make a
             plot file for later display on one or more devices
             (including the TV if desired).
  GRCHAN.....Graphics channel (1 - 7) to use for line drawing.  0 => 1.
  XYRATIO....Scale the X axis longer than the Y by XYRATIO.
             If DOTV >  0, 0 -> fit to the TV window
             If DOTV <= 0, 0 -> 1.
  IMSIZE.....If APARM(6) > 0 and DOTV <= 0, make the grid this size.
             The default is 1000 x 1000.   Note that is IMSIZE is larger
             than your TV screen, then TVPL will not be able to plot.
             LWPLA can handle any size.
  BADDISK....The disk numbers to avoid for scratch files (sorting
             tables mostly).