AIPS HELP file for XYRATIO in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 6:33:25 2025
Type: Adverb (Real)
Use: The ratio in coordinate units per pixel separation along the X
axis with respect to the Y axis.
Null value: 0
Null value assignment is usually calculated from the pixel
separations (X to Y increment) given in the image header if the
axes are related (i.e. LL-MM). If the axes are unrelated
(i.e. V-LL), the ratio of the Y to X windows is used (to give
square plot). Some tasks set 0 to 1.4 in such cases. With DOTV
true, the latter case is set to fill one of the two TV
ALVAR.........Plots the Allan Variance statistic of a UV data set.
ANBPL.........Plots and prints uv data converted to antenna based
BLPLT.........Plots BLCAL tables in 2 dimensions as function of
baseline and IF.
BLSUM.........Sums images over irregular sub-images, displays spectra.
BPEPL.........Plots bandpass tables overlaying multiple times like
BPLOT.........Plots bandpass tables in 2 dimensions as function of
BPPLT.........Plots selected contents of bandpass (BP) files versus
BSTST.........Graphical display of solutions to frequency-switched
CAPLT.........Plots closure amplitude and model from CC file.
CCNTR.........Generate a contour plot file from an image with CC or MF
CLOSE.........Plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over
CLPLT.........Plots closure phase and model from CC file.
CNTR..........Generate a contour plot file or TV plot from an image.
FGPLT.........Plots selected contents of FG table.
GREYS.........Plots images as contours over multi-level grey.
ISPEC.........Plots and prints spectrum of region of a cube.
KNTR..........Make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple
PCHIS.........Generates a histogram plot file from text input, e.g.
from PCRMS.
PCNTR.........Generate plot file with contours plus polarization
PCPLT.........Plots pulse-cal tables in 2 dimensions as function of
PDPLT.........Plots selected contents of PD tables.
PEEK..........Fits pointing model function to output from the VLA.
PFPL1.........Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does grey scale).
PLOTC.........Plots color schems used by 3-color plot tasks.
PLOTR.........Basic task to generate a plot file from text input.
PLRFI.........Plots spectral statistics from output of VBRFI & VLBRF.
POSSM.........Task to plot total and cross-power spectra.
PROFL.........Generates plot file for a profile display.
PRTAN.........Prints the contents of the ANtenna extension file.
RFLAG.........Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe
RM2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with RMFIT fit.
RSPEC.........Plots and prints spectrum of rms of a cube.
SNBLP.........Plots selected contents of SN or CL files on a baseline
SNPLT.........Plots selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files
versus time.
SYVSN.........Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values versus
TARPL.........Plot input and output text files of the TARS task.
TEPLT.........Plots selected contents of TE (TECOR) parameter tables.
UVHOL.........Prints holography data from a UV data base with
UVPLT.........Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways.
VPLOT.........Plots uv data and model from CC file.
XG2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with XGAUS/AGAUS and