AIPS HELP file for PFPL1 in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 23:15:45 2025
PFPL1: Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does grey scale)
USERID -32000.0 32000.0 User ID. ignored
INNAME Image name(name).
INCLASS Image name(class).
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name(seq. #). 0=>high
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #. 0=>any
BLC 0.0 4096.0 Bottom left corner of image
0=>entire image
TRC 0.0 4096.0 Top right corner of image
0=>entire image
PIXRANGE Clip at these intensities.
0,0=> map min, max.
LTYPE -410.0 410.0 Type of labeling: 1 border,
2 no ticks, 3 standard, 4 rel
to center, 5 rel to subim cen
6 pixels, 7-10 as 3-6 with
only tick labels
<0 -> no date/time
XYRATIO Ratio of X plot length to Y.
DOCIRCLE -1.0 1.0 > 0 => extend ticks to form
coordinate grid
DOTV -1.0 1.0 > 0 Do plot on the TV, else
make a plot file
GRCHAN 0.0 8.0 Graphics channel 0 => 1.
TVCHAN 0.0 16.0 Grey-scale display channel
TVCORN 0.0 2048.0 TV pixel location of bottom
left corner of image 0=> self
scale, non 0 => pixel scale.
Type: Task
Use: PFPL1 is a paraform task to write commands to a plot file
for the execution of a ????? plot of an image. It plots
one plane of an image on axes corresponding to the X and
Y axes of the image. The paraform itself does a grey
scale image - use GREYS for a more complete imaging,
USERID......The ID of the owner of the image. Ignored.
INNAME......Image name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS.....Image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ.......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK......Disk unit #. 0 => any.
BLC.........Bottom Left Corner of image to contour.
(0,0) means (1,1).
TRC.........Top Right Corner of image to contour.
(0,0) means top right corner of map.
PIXRANGE....Clip at these intensities.
0,0=> map min, max.
LTYPE.......Labelling type, see HELP LTYPE for details:
1 = border, 2 = no ticks, 3 or 7 = standard, 4 or 8 =
relative to ref. pixel, 5 or 9 = relative to subimage
(BLC, TRC) center, 6 or 10 = pixels. 7-10 all labels
other than tick numbers and axis type are omitted.
Less than 0 is the same except that the plot file
version number and create time are omitted.
Add n * 100 to alter the metric scaling.
XYRATIO.....Ratio of X plt len to Y.
DOCIRCLE....False (<= 0) means that tick marks are short lines
extending inward from the plot borders. True (>0)
requests that a full coordinate grid be drawn.
DOTV........> 0 => plot directly on the TV device, otherwise
make a plot file for later display on one or
more devices (including the TV if desired).
GRCHAN......Graphics channel (1 - 7) to use for line drawing.
0 => 1.
TVCHAN......TV channel to display gray-scale portion of plot.
0 => 1.
TVCORN......TV pixel location (X,Y) where the bottom left-
corner of the plot is to be placed. If either is
zero, use the largest possible self scaling, else
use pixel scaling with specified origin on the TV.
PFPL1: Task to create a ?????-plot extension file for an image
DOCUMENTOR: ??? Put your name here ???
PFPL1 generates a plot extension file containing an
????? plot, its border, and labels.
The plot itself may be displayed on a printer, TEK screen,
or TV graphics channel by the tasks LWPLA, TKPL, or TVPL