AIPS HELP file for PRTAN in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:56:25 2025
PRTAN: Task to print the Antenna (AN) extension of a uv file.
INNAME Image name (name)
INCLASS Image name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Image name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Disk drive #
INVERS -5.0 46655.0 AN file ver. #
NPRINT -5.0 32767.0 No. records to print 0 => all
DOCRT -3.0 132.0 > 0 => use terminal instead
> 72 => terminal width
Printer disk file to save
DOBTWEEN -1.0 1.0 > 0 -> print relative antenna
positions also
DOPLOT -1.0 2.0 > 0 -> make plot
FUNCTYPE 'LG' else linear plot
DOTV -1.0 1.0 > Make the plot on the TV
GRCHAN 0.0 8.0 TV Graphics channel:
0 => several
SYMBOL -24.0 24.0 Plot symbol number: 1 - 24
<0 no numbers, 0 just numbers
FACTOR -10.0 10.0 Scale plot symbols by FACTOR
PIXRANGE Limit X and Y plots to
PIXR(1) to PIXR(2) meters
XYRATIO X/Y scaling ratio
Type: Task
Use: PRTAN prints on the line printer the antenna file (extension
file type 'AN') associated with a UV data set. For the VLA it
will make a printer plot of the relative antenna locations.
If requested it will make a plot file or TV plot of the relative
antenna locations. The task determines the average Bx, By, and
Bz and subtracts them from the antenna coordinates. It then
plots the relative Bx against the relative By / sin(declination).
This plot is less meaningful for VLBI due to the extreme
distances but it can give a general idea.
INNAME.....Image name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Image name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Image name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of image. 0 => any.
INVERS.....AN file ver. # 0 => highest.
NPRINT.....Number of antenna records to list, 0 => all.
DOCRT......False (<= 0) use the line printer if OUTPRINT = ' '
else write named OUTPRINT file only.
When OUTPRINT is not blank, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the
page-feed character on page headers and DOCRT=-3
suppresses page headers and most other header
True (> 0) use the terminal interactively. The task will
use the actual terminal width as a display limit
unless 72 < DOCRT < width. In that case, the display
limit will be DOCRT characters.
OUTPRINT...Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
(jjj= job #, nnn = user #). When OUTPRINT is not blank,
multiple outputs are concatenated, and the file is not
actually printed.
DOBTWEEN...> 0 means for the task to print the antenna coordinates a
second time with the coordinates altered when the input
coordinates are wrt the Earth's center. For the EVLA,
the traditional array center (FILLM) is subtracted from
the Earth-centered antenna coordinates now used. For
other arrays, the the second display is with respect to
the average of the antenna coordinates in the file.
These surface-centric coordinates are rotated to be
relative to the longitude of the center.
DOPLOT.....> 0 => make a plot file or plot on the TV of the relative
X and Y positions of the antennas
= 2 => make the plot scale the same on the X and Y axes
FUNCTYPE...'LG' -> plot the antenna coordinates with the LOG of the
;radius from the "center' else linear.
DOTV.......> 0 => plot directly on the TV device, otherwise make a
plot file for later display on one or more devices
(including the TV if desired).
GRCHAN.....Graphics channel (1 - 7) to use for line drawing.
0 -> 1 for labeling, 2 for antenna numbers and 4 for
symbols if any.
SYMBOL.....Types supported are
1: Plus sign 13: Star of David
2: Cross (X) 14: Seven-pointed star
3: Circle 15: Eight-pointed star
4: Box 16: Nine-pointed star
5: Triangle 17: Ten-pointed star
6: Diamond 18: 11-pointed star
7: Pentagon 19: 12-pointed star
8: Hexagon 20: 13-pointed star
9: Septagon 21: 14-pointed star
10: Octagon 22: Plus (+) with gap
11: Nine-gon 23: Cross (X) with gap
12: Five pointed star 24: Vertical line
0 -> none (just plot antenna numbers)
NOTE: SYMBOL=0 is recommended, the symbol and antenna
number overlap. Set SYMBOL < 0 to omit the antenna
number from the plot.
FACTOR.....Scale plot symbols by FACTOR 0 -> 1.
PIXRANGE...If PIXR(2) > PIXR(1), limit both X and Y plots to PIXR(1)
to PIXR(2) in meters. The main use of this option would be
to blow up a section of the plot in order to distinguish
closely spaced antennas.
XYRATIO....X/Y scaling ratio. 0 -> 1 plot files, -> TV ratio on TV
Using 1 is often a good idea.
PRTAN: Task to print the Antenna (AN) ext. of a uv file.
Documentor: E.B.Fomalont
PRTAN will list antenna parameters associated with a
uv-data base. This file is an extension file of the type 'AN'.
If the u-v data is a concatenation of several data bases, there
will be many 'AN' file version, one for each of the original
data bases.
The output consists of two parts. First, the header of
about six lines lists the file name and general array parameters
such as polar motion parameters, clock offsets, earth rotation
rates, etc; most of which are VLB specific. Then, parameters
associated with each antenna are listen. For VLA observations
the useful data includes telescope number, station, baseline
parameters in meters. Other information is VLB specific.
NPRINT number of antennas will be listed. If NPRINT=0, all
antennas will be listed. Each 'AN' extension version must be
run separately.