As of Sat Feb 15 23:35:14 2025

PEEK: Task to fit pointing model function to VLA pointing data


INNAME                             data (name) for plot file
INCLASS                            data (class).
INSEQ             0.0    9999.0    data (seq. #).  0 => high
INDISK                             Disk unit #.       0 => any
ANTENNAS                           Antennas to fit
TIMERANG                           Time range to fit
APARM                              Controls
                                   (1) start MJAD
                                   (2) end MJAD
                                   (3,4) Elevation range (deg)
                                   (5) amplitude limit
                                   (6) wind speed limit
                                   (7,8) beamwidth range
                                   (9) filter change value
                                   (10) filter N * sigma
BAND                               Restrict to this freq band
FPARM                              FPARM(i) > 0 => fit
                                   (1) Tilt
                                   (2) Azzero
                                   (3) Elzero
                                   (4) Colima
                                   (5) Sag
                                   (6) Az3
                                   (7) Azcntr
                                   (8) Elcntr
                                   (9) Axsprp
                                   (10) Az2
                                   (11) Refrac
                                   (12) tilt atached to ant
                                   (16) suppress gnuplot file
                                   (17) suppress ant.dat
                                   (18) suppress .changes file
                                   (19) suppress filtered
                                        changes file
PRTLEV            0.0        3.0   Print level - 0 normal
                                   file name of data
DOPLOT                             > 0 make AIPS plots
DOTV             -1.0        1.0   > 0 -> plot to TV
XYRATIO                            X/y plot size ratio
DPARM                              (1) Symbol type: measured
                                   (2) Symbol type: residual
                                   (3) Symbol factor: measured
                                   (4) Symbol factor: residual
                                   (5) Graphics plane: measured
                                   (6) Graphics plane: residual


Type:  Task
Use:   Fits pointing model to VLA pointing data.
  INNAME.....file name to hold plots (name).  Standard defaults.
  INCLASS....file name (class).      Standard defaults.
  INSEQ......file name (seq. #).     0 => highest.
  INDISK.....Disk unit #.               0 => any.
  TIMERANG...Time range of the data to be fit. In order:
             Start day, hour, min. sec, End day, hour, min. sec
             Days relative to reference date. all 0 -> 0,24hour
  ANTENNAS...A list of the antennas to fit.
  APARM......Control parameters
             (1) start MJAD to include 0 -> 0
             (2) end MJAD to include   0 -> large
             (3,4) Limit to elevation range (min,max)
                  0 -> 7, 122 (degrees)
             (5) Minimum amplitude  0 => 0.01
             (6) Maximum wind speed  0 -> 5 m/sec
             (7,8) Limit to normalized beamwidth range (min,max)
                     0 -> 0.95,1.15
             (9) Filtered change file gets a line when the absolute
                 value of the change > APARM(9)  (0 -> 0.1)
             (10) and the abs (change) * APARM(10) * sigma
                 (parameter)    (0 -> 3.0)
  BAND.......Restrict to band code ' ' => 'X'
             Allowed codes P, L, S, C, X, U, K, A, Q
  FPARM......If FPARM(i) > 0, then fit for the parameter
                 (1) Tilt
                 (2) Azzero
                 (3) Elzero
                 (4) Colima
                 (5) Sag
                 (6) Az3
                 (7) Azcntr
                 (8) Elcntr
                 (9) Axsprp
                 (10) Az2
                 (11) Refrac
             All 0 => fit 1, 2, 3, 4, 11
                 (12) > 0 -> attach tilt to antenna, else to pad
                 (16) > 0 -> suppress output of gnuplot file
                             (gnuplot made obsolete by AIPS plots)
                 (17) > 0 -> suppress output of ant.dat files
                             If (16) <= 0, (17) is forced to 0
                 (18) > 0 -> suppress output of changes file
                             May only want to keep the filtered
                             changes file.
                 (19) > 0 -> suppress output of filtered changes file
  PRTLEV.....Print level used for debugging problems.  0 normal.
  ASDMFILE...Use both ASDMF(1) and ASDMF(2) to specify the full path
             to the .PNT file (but leave off the .PNT which the task
             will append).  This could be the same values for ASDMF as
             used by BDFLIST and BDF2AIPS if you put the .PNT file in
             the same directory as the top directory of the SDM/BDF
  DOPLOT.....> 0 => make AIPS plot files of the pointing errors before
                    and after fit.
  DOTV.......> 0 => make the plot(s) on the TV, else make plot files.
  XYRATIO....Scale the X axis longer than the Y by XYRATIO.
                If DOTV >  0, 0 -> fit to the TV window
                If DOTV <= 0, 0 -> 1.
  DPARM......(1) Symbol type for measured Az and El errors
                 Default is 2, the choices are
                 1: Plus sign           13: Star of David
                 2: Cross (X)           14: Seven-pointed star
                 3: Circle              15: Eight-pointed star
                 4: Box                 16: Nine-pointed star
                 5: Triangle            17: Ten-pointed star
                 6: Diamond             18: 11-pointed star
                 7: Pentagon            19: 12-pointed star
                 8: Hexagon             20: 13-pointed star
                 9: Septagon            21: 14-pointed star
                 10: Octagon            22: Plus (+) with gap
                 11: Nine-gon           23: Cross (X) with gap
                 12: Five pointed star  24: Vertical line
             (2) Symbol type for residual Az and El (measured - fit)
                 Default is 3 from choices above
             (3) Scaling factor for measured Az and El points:
                 Default = 1
             (4) Scaling factor for residual Az and El points:
                 Default = 1
             (5) Graphics channel for measured Az and El errors.
                 Default is 2, choices are 1 yellow, 2 green, 3 pink,
                 and 4 cyan
             (6) Graphics channel for residual Az and El;
                 default is 3.