AIPS HELP file for ASDMFILE in 31DEC25
As of Mon Dec 9 13:37:51 2024
Type: Adverb (string*64 array of 2)
Use: The concatenation of ASDMFILE(1) and ASDMFILE(2) with
any trailing blanks in ASDMFILE(1) omitted gives the full
path name to the top directory of the ASDM/BDF data set.
The code will also manage when ASDMFILE(1) begins with either
'$xxxx/' or 'xxxx:' where xxxx is a logical (environment)
variable. The filename sent to OBIT will be the translation of
$xxxx followed by a '/' followed by an remaining non-blank
characters in ASDMFILE(1) followed by ASDMFILE(2). Thus, if
the environment variables
export LSJ=/lustre/lsjouwer/
export LSJ7=/lustre/lsjouwer/TCAL0007/
ASDMFILE = '$LSJ/TCAL007/', 'longstuff
ASDMFILE = 'LSJ:TCAL007/', 'longstuff
ASDMFILE = '$LSJ7', 'longstuff
ASDMFILE = 'LSJ7:', 'longstuff
ASDMFILE = '$LSJ7/longstuff
ASDMFILE = 'LSJ7:longstuff
will all call OBIT with file name
since the two verbs below know that ASDMF(1)=ASDMF(2) is not
what you really mean. Note that the $ and the colon are
required and the / must appear with the $ when ASDMF(1) has
more charactrs than just the logical name.
Null value:
' ' => failure
BDFLIST......List the contents of ASDMFILE
BDF2AIPS.....Load selected portions of ASDMFILE to AIPS data areas.
DOVLAMP......Produces amp calibration file for phased-VLA VLBI data.
PEEK.........Fits pointing model function to output from the VLA
ASDMFILE points at the PNT data file.
RIFRM........Task to modify a CL and TE table with IFRM values from
ALBUS files.
TLCAL........Converts JVLA telcal files to an SN file. ASDMFILE
points at the TELCAL file.