AIPS HELP file for FPARM in 31DEC25
As of Sun Jan 19 13:12:20 2025
Type: Adverb (Real(30))
Use: A general adverb which contains thirty elements to send to a
Null value: Usually 0.
BPWAY.....Determines channel-dependent relative weights. FPARM
sets the parameters of the algorithm.
CLCOP.....Copy CL/SN file calibration between polarizations or IFs.
FPARM lists the "good" IFs to be averaged.
CUBIT.....Model a galaxy's density and velocity distribution from
full cube. The FPARM are parameter values for parameters
that can be fit to an HI data cube.
DTCHK.....Task to check results of a test using simulated data.
FPARM is a list of default gains for each IF.
DTSIM.....Generate fake UV data. FPARM is a list of default gains
for each IF.
OFLAG.....Uses on-line flag table information to write a flag table.
FPARM(i) > 0 causes flagging if bit i is set.
PEEK......Fits pointing model function to output from the VLA.
FPARM selects which parameters are fit.
PLOTR.....Basic task to generate a plot file from text input.
FPARM defines which groups are fit with a polynomial
and the order of that polynomial.
RFLAG.....Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe
visibilities. FPARM defines control of the flagging
including extensions of the flags after they are generated.
SUFIX.....Modifies source numbers on uv data. FPARM lists the
start times of the time intervals.
VBCAL.....Scale visibility amplitudes by antenna based constants.
FPARM lists the constants for antennas 1-30.