As of Sat Feb 15 22:34:29 2025


Type: Adverb  (String*48)
Use:  To specify the name of a disk file outside the usual AIPS
      catalog system to be used as input for an AIPS verb or task.
      The file is a FITS- or other binary-format file representing
      either image or UV data in binary form.

Format: The name is usually given by specifying a logical device plus
      directory, followed by a colon, followed by the actual file
      name.  In Unix, logicals are environment variables.  The
      logical name must be set up before entering the AIPS program
      and is usually in upper case.  Thus, for example:
              percent setenv MYAREA ~joeuser
      for the C shell, and
             $ myarea=$HOME; export MYAREA
      for bourne, korn, and bash shells.  Then in AIPS,
             INLIST = 'MYAREA:FITS.DAT'
      Note that the Unix-standard $ ahead of the logical is omitted.
      AIPS-standard logicals like FITS (often AIPS/FITS) are available
      also.  Other forms are now acceptable as well:
             INLIST = 'FITS.DAT
      will find the file in the $FITS directory (when reading or
      writing FITS disk files) or in the directory local when you
      started AIPS.  A full path name may also be given
             INLIST = '/home/primate2/egreisen/AIPS/N6503.fits
      if it fits in 48 characters.  Note that the trailing quote mark
      is left off and this is the last command on the input line so
      that the case is preserved.

Null value:  '          '
      Taken to mean no subsidiary file.  This can be an error.

    BOXES........Adds Clean boxes to BOXFILE around sources from a
                 list; INLIST gives the source list
    FACES........Makes images of catalog sources for initial
                 calibration; INLIST gives the source list
    IMMOD........Adds images of model objects to an image.
                 INLIST contains a list of source models to be added.
    MODAB........Makes simple absorption/emission spectral-line image
                 in I/V.  INLIST contains a list of spectral lines
                 to put in the images.
    MODIM........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in IQU
                 polarization.  INLIST contains a list of sources
                 (fluxes, RM parameters, spatial parameters).
    MODSP........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in I/V
                 polarization.  INLIST contains a list of sources
                 (fluxes, spatial parameters, spectral parameters)
    MTARS........Compute model inputs to TARS.  INLIST contains a
                 list of sources (Q, U, RM parameters)
    PANEL........Convert HOLOG output to panel adjustment table.
                 INLIST specifies VLA or VLBA or focal length and
                 panel structure.
    SETFC........Makes a BOXFILE for input to IMAGR; INLIST gives the
                 list of possibly interfering sources
    SPMOD........Modify UV database by adding a model with spectral
                 lines.  INLIST gives a list of components (fluxes,
                 spatial and spectral parameters) to be added.
    SPXMD........Adds images of model objects to image cubes in
                 spectral index.
    UVFIT........Fits source models to uv data.  INLIST is an optional
                 list of initial guesses for the component parameters.
    UVGIT........Fits source models to uv data.  INLIST is an optional
                 list of initial guesses for the component parameters.
    UVMOD........Modify UV database by adding a model incl spectral
                 index.  INLIST is an optional list of components
                 to be included, required is want > 4.