AIPS HELP file for MOUNT in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 11:46:28 2025
MOUNT: Verb to software mount a tape
INTAPE 0.0 9.0 Tape unit # (0=> 1)
DENSITY 0.0 22500.0 Density to set on mount.
REMHOST Remote computer name
REMTAPE 1.0 15.0 Remote tape drive number
Type: verb
Use: Software mount a magnetic tape.
INTAPE.....Number of tape unit on which tape is to be mounted.
0=> 1
DENSITY....Density to set on mount. 800, 1600, 6250 and 22500
are accepted, any other defaults to 6250. The
actual density used depends on the tape device type
with 22500 indicating high density (5 Gbyte) for
Exabyte 8500s.
REMHOST....If INTAPE identifies a "tape drive" which has been
called "REMOTE" on the local computer, REMHOST
gives the name of the cooperating computer which is
running TPMON and willing to provide tape service
to you. NOTE: your tape should be on the drive of
the remote host before you do a MOUNT.
REMTAPE....Tape drive number on the remote host. 0 -> 1.