AIPS HELP file for OPTELL in 31DEC25
As of Thu Jan 23 21:01:53 2025
Type: Adverb (String*4)
Use: To specify the operation to be used by the TELL verb.
'ABOR' Die now, reset file statuses and delete outputs
'QUIT' Die now, but save the current output results
'CHAN' Change the running parameters
Null Value: None
TELL......Send parameters to tasks that know to read them on the fly.
Tasks which support this capability:
APCLN.....Deconvolves images with B. G. Clark CLEAN method.
Can change DOTV, NITER, beam, and other parameters.
IMAGR.....Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging.
Can change quite a few parameters
SCMAP.....Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing
Can change several imaging and self-cal parameters.
SCIMG.....Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
editing. Can change imaging, editing, and self-cal
SDCLN.....Deconvolves images with CLEAN followed by SDI
methods. Can change DOTV, NITER, beam, and other
UTESS.....Deconvolves multiple images with maximum entropy
methods - for images of polarization. Can change
DOTV, NITER, other parameters.
VTESS.....Deconvolves multiple images with maximum entropy
methods. Can change DOTV, NITER, other parameters.
Tasks which support QUIT or ABOR operations only:
MCUBE.....Builds n+1 (or n) dimensional images from sets of
n-dimensional images.