AIPS HELP file for PRTTP in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 8:39:52 2025
PRTTP: Task to print contents of tapes (UV data, maps, ...)
INTAPE 0.0 9.0 Tape unit # (0=> 1)
NFILES 0.0 32000.0 # files to advance from
beginning of tape. >10000 ->
start where tape is now
Disk file name (FITS and
VLA archive only)
PRTLEV -4.0 2.0 Amount of print
( 2 -> a lot)
( 0 -> summaries)
(-1 -> brief print)
(-2 -> terse print)
(-3 -> table of files)
(-4 -> table of files,
skip tape read)
DOCRT -3.0 132.0 > 0 => print on CRT, else
use line printer
> 72 => terminal width
Printer disk file to save
required for PRTLEV = -3,-4
STRC3 Name of tape
BCOUNT File number at start (only
when NFILES > 10000)
DOEOT -1.0 1000.0 >0 => there are null files on
the tape before the EOT
NPIECE 0.0 90.0 Maximum disk-file piece # to
list from uv-tables files
ERROR -1.0 3.0 >= 2 -> do not use AIPS
history in the FITS file
Type: Task (interactive only)
Use: To print on the line printer or terminal a fairly detailed
summary of the contents of a tape or pseudo-tape disk file. The
program begins by rewinding the tape and then advances the tape
by the user specified number of files. PRTTP then reports on the
contents of all files until an end-of-information mark is found.
The tape is finally positioned to allow writing beginning at the
previous end-of-information. The task can recognize the FITS
formats (map, image extensions, UV groups and tables, VLBA),
the IBM map format, the VLA UV-data export format, and VLA
archive format tapes (post Jan. 1988). PRTTP will also report
the lengths of records in files of other types. PRTTP (and
IMLOD, UVLOD, FITLD, TPHEAD) now understand and interpret the
standard world coordinate system keywords CDi_j and PCi_j.
They are used if possible and problems reported.
INTAPE......Input tape drive number. 0 => 1.
NFILES......Number of files to advance from the beginning of the tape.
<= 0 => 0. To have the program begin at the current tape
position, give NFILES any number > 10000. The relative
file numbers (n) will appear on the print as 10000+n.
DATAIN......48-character name of the disk file from which to read a
FITS are vLA archive file. ' ' => use magnetic tape
INTAPE. DATAIN must be in the form
where is the remote computer name, is
the environment variable (logical name) for the disk
area in which the file named is stored.
only works for FITS files and is usually omitted
when the file is local to the current computer. If the
DATAIN file is missing, the task will, for FITS files
only, try finding the file with the character "1"
For VLA archive files, the actual file names must end in
a number representing the "file number" of the "tape".
DATAIN (as with FILLM) MUST be the file name WITHOUT THE
FILE NUMBER. See EXPLAIN for more details.
To use the VLA archive directly, contact NRAO at
The web has tools to review the contents of the archive
and to request data from the archive
PRTLEV......Amount of print desired (affects most formats):
-4 => one line/file table output, not printed. Use
advance file to skip large files rather than reading
every record.
-3 => one line/file table output, not printed
-2 => extremely terse output,
-1 => limited information,
0 => summaries in IMHEADER form,
1 => add non-History cards,
2 => add History cards too.
DOCRT.......False (<= 0) use the line printer if OUTPRINT = ' '
else write named OUTPRINT file only.
When OUTPRINT is not blank, DOCRT=-2 suppresses the
page-feed character on page headers and DOCRT=-3
suppresses page headers and some other header
True (> 0) use the terminal interactively. The task will
use the actual terminal width as a display limit
unless 72 < DOCRT < width. In that case, the display
limit will be DOCRT characters.
OUTPRINT....Disk file name in which to save the line printer output.
' ' => use scratch and print immediately for interactive
jobs - batch jobs use OUTPRINT = 'PRTFIL:BATCHjjj.nnn'
(jjj= job #, nnn = user #). When OUTPRINT is not blank,
multiple outputs are concatenated, and the file is not
actually printed. Required if PRTLEV = -4 or -3.
STRC3.......12-character string to give name of tape. Used for tapes
only and just for display purposes.
BCOUNT......File number of first file displayed. This is used only
for magnetic tape and when PRTTP is told to start at the
current position. 0 => 10001.
DOEOT.......Normally, PRTTP stops the first time that it finds a null
file assuming that it is at the end of information. If
you know that there are null files on the tape before the
real end of information, set DOEOT = maximum number of
consecutive null files that might occur. Used only with
magnetic tape. the highest piece number of uv-table pieces to be read
from disk. It is ignored for tape reading and for images
and old-fashioned random-groups data files.
ERROR......>= 2 => do not parse AIPS history cards found in the FITS
header. Do not use this option until you have tried PRTTP
without it. If you get mysterious errors (usually error 4
which implies premature end of file), then try PRTTP with
ERROR set to 2. For a period of time, data sets written
out with FITAB, read back in, and then written out with
FITTP could have so many AIPS history records in their
header as to cause PRTTP (and UVLOD) to read the data
DATAIN (for VLA archive data)
It is now (as of 2002-07-22 in FILLM and 2002-12-06 in PRTTP)
possible to read the VLA archive format data from disk files instead
of magnetic tape. All files to be read in a single run of FILLM must
reside in the same disk directory and have the same name except for
the last character or characters (no leading zeros) which define the
file number. Thus, you could copy tape files with dd to disk and then
read them with FILLM or you could ftp them from some archive to your
local disk and then read them. Note that remote tape does not work
for FILLM (from disk). The analysts at the AOC in Socorro will have
access to a disk archive and can prepare data files suitable for
loading with FILLM for you to download via anonymous ftp. For
example, when I ask them to find the data for program AB1024, they
find that tape XH02045 data files 1 through 10 contain some of my
data. I then copy those files to a disk directory which I call
using file names file_1, file_2, ... File_10. Then in FILLM I set
to read all of these files. Note that I put the DATAIN= command last
on its line and did not follow it with a close quite ('). This allows
the lower case letters to be retained.