AIPS HELP file for TK1SET in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 23:11:32 2025
TK1SET: Verb to reset 1D gaussian fitting initial guess.
NGAUSS 0.0 4.0 No of gaussian components.
@ Output only adverbs
GPOS @ Positions of the components.
GMAX @ Max value of the components.
GWIDTH @ Width at 1/2 max amplitude.
Type: verb
Use: To reset parameters of one component for 1D gaussian
fitting (slices) by using the tektronix cursor. The slice
to be fitted must have already been plotted on the
tektronix screen. This verb uses an immediate argument
to determine which component to set. Example:
TK1SET(3) to reset component 3. Move the crosshairs with
the thumbwheels to the desired position and then press
any key EXCEPT the RETURN key on the Tektronix keyboard.
NGAUSS......The number of gaussian components (1 through 4).
Output adverbs:
GPOS........Positions of the components.
GMAX........Maximum amplitude of the components.
GWIDTH......The widths of the components at 1/2 max height.