AIPS HELP file for TVSET in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 10:35:57 2025
TVSET: Verb to set 1D Gaussian fitting initial guesses.
NGAUSS 0.0 4.0 No of Gaussian components.
@ Output only adverbs
GMAX @ Max value of the components.
GPOS @ Positions of the components.
GWIDTH @ Width at 1/2 max amplitude.
Type: verb
Use: To allow interactive setting of parameters for 1D Gaussian
fitting (slices) by using the TV cursor. The slice to be fitted
must have already been plotted on the TV graphics screen. Move
the TV cursor to the specified points and press any button (A,
B, C, or D) to enter the parameter. Instructions will appear on
your input window.
TV1SET n allows only component n to be set.
NGAUSS......The number of gaussian components (1 through 4).
Output adverbs:
GMAX........Initial guess of maximum amplitudes.
GPOS........Initial guess of positions of the components in
GPOS(1,i). GPOS(2,i) not used.
GWIDTH......Initial guess of widths at 1/2 max amplitude in
GWIDTH(1,i). GWIDTH(2,i) and GWIDTH(3,i) are not used.
Note that the units of GMAX, GPOS, and GWIDTH are those
in the plot (e.g. mJy, arc sec or Jy, degrees or ??).