AIPS Recent Changes
Search CHANGE.DOC entries

The AIPS code management system includes one file called
CHANGE.DOC in which most major code changes are
documented. You can list the entries that contain a given word
(or part of a word) by entering the word in the appropriate
place below. What you get back is a chronological list (from
early to late) of all entries in that file which contain the
word in question.
This is a good way of finding out what will be in the next
release of Classic AIPS ('TST'). However, changes for 'NEW' and
'OLD' will also be listed, oldest entries first. Remember 'TST'
is NOT available outside of NRAO unless you are prepared to run
a midnight job. See also the patches
information. Also, bear in mind that bug fixes you see
mentioned here for TST may have been introduced in TST, not the
public version!
Enter the word on which you want information.
For example, if you want to see recent CHANGE.DOC entries for
MX, you would enter
in the search field above.
The CHANGE.DOC files for all currently on-disk versions of
AIPS will be searched for the item you specify.
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