AIPS HELP file for CHARMULT in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 10 10:10:11 2025
CHARMULT: Verb to change the TV character size multiplier
FACTOR 1.0 5.0 Character size multiplier
The multiplier may be given instead as an immediate
argument to CHARMULT as, e.g., CHARMULT 3
Type: verb
Use: TV characters are generated with a simple character generator
inside the XAS program itself. This generator can generate the
basic characters or scaled versions of them. The default
character multiplier is set by the TV display size and is
usually 1 except for the biggest screens. Other character sizes
may be forced with this verb.
Adverbs: CHARMULT takes an immediate arguement specifying the desired
factor, e.g. CHARM(2).
FACTOR.....Specifies the multiplier. Values of 1 through 5 are
accepted. FACTOR is used only when there is no immediate