As of Thu Jan 23 19:50:04 2025

MATHS: Task to operate on an image with mathematical functions


INNAME                             Input image name
INCLASS                            Input image class
INSEQ           0.0      9999.0    Input image seq. no.
INDISK          0.0         9.0    Input image disk no.
OUTNAME                            Output image name
OUTCLASS                           Output image class
OUTSEQ          0.0      9999.0    Output image seq. #
OUTDISK         0.0         9.0    Output image disk drive
BLC                                BLC of input image
TRC                                TRC of input image
OPCODE                             Operator code:
                                   SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS,
                                   ATAN, LOG, ALOG, LOGN, EXP,
                                   POLY, DIVP, POWR, MOD, ABS
CPARM                              CPARM(1:5):
                                   Output map is formed from
                                   except for 'POLY' when its
                                   'DIVP' when its
                                   'POWR' when its
                                   and 'MOD' when its
                                    C1+C2*MOD[C3*IN+C4, C5]

                                   CPARM(6) <= 0 -> all output
                                   undefined pixels are magic
                                   blanked, else zeroes used


Type: Task
Use:  Operate on an image, pixel by pixel, with a mathematical
      function.  Current choices are SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN,
      LOG, LOGN, ALOG, EXP, POLY, DIVP, POWR, and MOD. Undefined
      output pixels are either magic value blanked or zeroed.
      NO checks for overflows which may occur with some of these
      operators are made, since they depend on your computer.
      For example, with TAN, if the absolute value of an input
      pixel is very close say, 90 degrees, then an overflow may

      Note also that the FORTRAN 77 standard trigonometric functions
      require arguments in radians.  Thus, there is some loss of
      accuracy in converting the input data to radians. For example,
      for OPCODE='SIN', if an input pixel has a value of 180.0 degrees
      then the output pixel will not be identically zero, usually a
      small negative number of the order of 1E-9 will result.

INNAME........Input image name
INCLASS.......Input image class
INSEQ.........Input image seq. #
INDISK........Input image disk drive #
OUTNAME.......Output image name
OUTCLASS......Output image class, blank = OPCODE
OUTSEQ........Output image seq. #
OUTDISK.......Output image disk drive #
BLC...........BLC of input image
TRC...........TRC of input image
OPCODE........SIN, COS, and TAN:
                The input image units should be DEGREES.   If
                not, you could use CPARM(3) to rescale them.
                For OPCODE = 'TAN', if the input pixel is one of
                ...-270, -90, 90, 270...  then the output pixel
                is blanked.
                OUT = C(1) + C(2) * OP [C(3) * IN + C(4)]

              ASIN, ACOS, and ATAN:
                The output image units are DEGREES in the range:
                    ASIN           -90 < THETA < 90
                    ACOS             0 < THETA < 180
                    ATAN           -90 < THETA < 90
                For ASIN and ACOS, if the input pixel is < -1.0
                or > 1.0, then the output pixel is blanked.
                OUT = C(1) + C(2) * OP [C(3) * IN + C(4)]

              LOG and LOGN:
                These take the base 10 and base e (natural)
                logarithm of the input image.  If the input
                pixel is <= 0.0, then the output pixel is
                OUT = C(1) + C(2) * OP [C(3) * IN + C(4)]

              ALOG and EXP:
                These take the base 10 and base e (natural)
                anti-logarithm of the input image.
                OUT = C(1) + C(2) * OP [C(3) * IN + C(4)]

                Every OUTput pixel is formed from the INput
                pixel according to:
               OUT = C(1) + C(2)*IN + C(3)*IN*IN + C(4)*IN*IN*IN

                Every OUTput pixel is formed from the INput
                pixel according to:
               OUT = C(1) + C(2)/IN + C(3)/IN/IN + C(4)/IN/IN/IN

                Each OUTput pixel is formed from the INput
                pixel according to:
                OUT = C(1) + C(2)*[C(3)*IN + C(4)]**C(5)
                Let X = C(3)*IN + C(4)   If C(5) is not an integer,
                the output pixel is blanked when X is negative, or
                when X and C(5) are both zero.

                Each OUTput pixel is formed from the INput
                pixel according to:
                OUT = C(1) + C(2)* MOD [C(3)*IN+C(4), C(5)]
                The output pixel is blanked when C(5) = 0.0

                Each OUTput pixel is formed from the INput
                pixel according to:
                OUT = C(1) + C(2)* ABS [C(3)*IN+C(4)]
                IF all C are zeros, then:
                OUT = ABS[IN]

CPARM.........C(1:5):  Additive and multiplicative factors for
              the input image.  The defaults depend on the

              For OP = SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, LOG,
                       ALOG, LOGN, EXP, POWR, MOD, ABS

              C(2) = 0   ->   C(2) = 1
              C(3) = 0   ->   C(3) = 1

              For OP = POLY and DIVP, there are no CPARM defaults

              C(6) <= 0 -> all undefined output pixels magic
              C(6) >  0 -> all undefined output pixels zeroed
                           Note that this includes input pixels
                           that were magic blanked