AIPS HELP file for OTFBS in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 22:38:47 2025
OTFBS: Task to read 12-m OTF continuum data to an AIPS UV file
Input data file (sdd file)
BCOUNT First included scan
ECOUNT Last included scan
BIF First IF number: 0 => lowest
EIF Last IF number: 0 => highest
OUTNAME Output UV file name (name)
blank => OBJECT
OUTCLASS Output UV file name (class)
blank => OTFBS.
6th character is + and -
OUTSEQ -1.0 9999.0 Output UV file name (seq #)
0 => high unique
OUTDISK 0.0 9.0 Output disk drive #
DOCONCAT -1.0 1.0 > concatenation allowed?
FQTOL Frequency tolerance needed to
decide if OTFBS should
concatanate files. (MHz)
<=0 => 2 MHz
DETIME 0.0 100.0 Time (days) to add to data
set being concatenated
Type: Task
Use: Convert a single 12m OTF continuum (beam-switched) map (in UniPOPS
SDD format) to UV (single-dish) format within AIPS. The two beam
positions are written to separate uv data sets. The data are
written without AIPS compression because of dynamic range problems
saving both total powers and coordinates as data.
DATAIN......Input 12m sdd file (raw data file).
BCOUNT......First scan in OTF map which you want to process.
ECOUNT......Last scan in OTF map which you want to process.
BIF.........Lowest IF number to process. The IF number is converted
into the apparent antenna number for the "autocorrelation"
data on output ("BEAM" = 257 * IF#, "BASELINE" = IF#-IF#).
The antenna number can be used later for data selection.
0 => lowest in data set.
EIF.........Highest IF number to process. OTFBS will attempt to write
data for multiple IFs at once to the output file so that
it will not be necessary to run OTFBS multiple times
followed by a UVSRT on the concatenated output. 0 =>
highest in data set. IFs that do not match in center
frequency or channel width to those of BIF will be
OUTNAME.....Output (SD) UV file name (name).
OUTCLASS....Output (SD) UV file name (class). Standard behavior with
default = 'OTFBS'. The sixth character is set to '+' for
one of the outputs and '-' for the other.
OUTSEQ......Output (SD) UV file name (seq #). 0 => highest unique.
OUTDISK.....Output (SD) UV file disk drive #. 0 => highest w space for
the initial file size. Be careful to select a disk with
plenty of space. Unlike some AIPS tasks, OTFBS has to
increase the size of the UV file after creation if there
is more data than it guessed initially.
DOCONCAT....> 0 => that OTFBS will concatenate the current data to a
pre-existing data set (OUTNAME, OUTCL, and especially
OUTSEQ must be specified).
FQTOL.......Frequency tolerance in MHz. Data sets separated in
frequency by > FQTOL will not be concatenated. 0 => 2 MHz.
DETIME......Time in integer days to add to observed time when
concatenating data. This is to allow you to edit one data
set wrt the other. Note that, if the two data sets are
from different times, you should read in the earlier one
first and do not need to set DETIME.