AIPS HELP file for FQTOL in 31DEC25
As of Sun Jan 19 12:30:43 2025
Type: Adverb (Scalar)
Use: Standard data selection adverb, used to define a frequency
tolerance within which data with different frequencies
are assigned the same FQ number. Is mainly used when
merging uv data files together.
Example: if file A has freq #1 and file B has freq #2
then they will be given the same FQ number if
(freq #1 + FQTOL) < freq #2 > (freq #1 + FQTOL).
Null Value: -1
A null value means set FQTOL to be the maximum frequency
difference a source can have in one day, i.e.
FQTOL = ref. freq * (30 km/s) / (30000 km/s)
DBAPP.......Appends one or more data sets to the output data set.
FQTOL is the tolerance in kHz to not renumber FQs.
DBCON.......Concatenates two UV data sets. FQTOL is the tolerance in
kHz to not renumber FQs.
FITLD.......Reads FITS files to load images or UV (IDI or UVFITS)
data to disk.
FXPOL.......Corrects VLBA polarization assignments. FQTOL is
tolerance in kHz for matching IFs.
IMAGR.......Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging
task. FQTOL sets the range of frequencies which get the
same frequency-dependent beam and model.
OOSUB.......Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base.
FQTOL sets the range of frequencies which get the same
frequency-dependent beam and model.
OTFBS.......Translates on-the-fly continuum SDD format to AIPS UV
file. FQTOL in MHz tolerance to concatenate files.
OTFUV.......Translates on-the-fly single-dish SDD format to AIPS UV
file. FQTOL in MHz tolerance to concatenate files.
PCLOD.......Reads ascii file containing pulse-cal info to PC table.
FQTOL in kHz is tolerance in IF match for pre-DiFX data.
VLOG........Pre-process external VLBA calibration files. FQTOL is
the tolerance in kHz for matching IF frequencies.
IMFRING.....Large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING.
FQTOL is passed to OOSUB.
IMSCAL......Large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL.
FQTOL is passed to OOSUB.
LINIMAGE....Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
FQTOL is passed to IMAGR.
OOCAL.......Determines antenna complex gain with frequency-dependent
models. FQTOL is passed to OOSUB.
OOFRING.....Fringe fit data to determine calibration with spectral
index options. FQTOL is passed to OOSUB.