AIPS HELP file for BASELINE in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 6:49:56 2025
Type: Adverb (REAL(50))
Use: Standard data selection adverb, used in conjunction with
ANTENNAS to specify baseline selection.
Null Value: 0
All null value means use all antennas.
BASELINE is always used with ANTENNAS. In that case, a baseline
between antenna I and J is selected (or deselected if any of
ANTENNAS or BASELINE are negative) if
# in ANTE # in BASE Selected or de-selected if
0 0 always
>0 0 (I in ANTE) .OR. (J in ANTE)
0 >0 (I in BASE) .OR. (J in BASE)
>0 >0 ((I in ANTE) .AND. (J in BASE)) .OR.
((I in BASE) .AND. (J in ANTE))
Verbs VLA, EVLA, VLBA, and HSA may be used to set values into
BASELINE (or any other adverb array). In this case, the equals
sign is required, e.g.,
to process all baselines between new EVLA and old VLA antennas.
Be careful of INNAME et al., SUBARRAY, and DOINVERS which
control what these verbs actually do.
include everything
2. BASELINE=0; ANTENNAS=1,2,3,4,5,6
include only baselines between antennas 1 through 6
3. BASELINE=0; ANTENNAS=1,2,-3,4,5,6
include only baselines between antennas 7 through N
4. BASELINE=0; ANTENNAS = 11,-19,27
exclude any baseline involving antennas 11, 19, and/or 27
thus, exclude 1-11, 7-19, 11-19, 26-27, etc. etc.
5. BASELINE=1,2,7; ANTENNAS=3,4,5
include baselines 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-7,
4-7, 5-7 only
6. BASELINE=1,-2,7; ANTENNAS=3,4,5
include all baselines except 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5,
3-7, 4-7, 5-7
exclude baseline 10-10 (autocorrelation), include all other
baselines including those to antenna 10.
LINIMAGE......Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
ALVAR.........Plots the Allan Variance statistic of a UV data set.
ANBPL.........Plots and prints uv data converted to antenna based
AVGWT.........Computes the average visibility weight of the included
BLING.........Find residual rate and delay on individual baselines.
CLIP..........Edits data based on amplitudes, phases, and weights out
of range.
COHER.........Baseline Phase coherence measurement.
DEFLG.........Edits data based on decorrelation over channels and time.
EVAUV.........Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does statistics
on results.
FGCNT.........Counts samples comparing two flag tables.
FGPLT.........Plots selected contents of FG table.
FRMAP.........Task to build a map using fringe rate spectra.
FRPLT.........Task to plot fringe rate spectra.
FTFLG.........Interactive flagging of UV data in channel-time using the
FUDGE.........Modifies UV data with user's algorithm: paraform task.
HOLIS.........Prints information about holography sampling.
IBLED.........Interactive BaseLine based visibility EDitor.
IMAGR.........Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging task.
LISTR.........Prints contents of UV data sets and assoc. calibration
MAPBM.........Map VLA beam polarization.
POSSM.........Task to plot total and cross-power spectra.
QUACK.........Flags beginning or end portions of UV-data scans.
RESEQ.........Renumber antennas.
RIRMS.........Computes rms of real/imag of a selected subset of a uv
data set
SPFLG.........Interactive flagging of UV data in channel-TB using the
SPRMS.........Plots spectral statistics of a selected subset of a uv
data set.
TVFLG.........Interactive flagging of UV data using the TV.
UFLAG.........Plots and edits data using a uv-plane grid and the TV.
UVCOP.........Task to copy a subset of a UV data file.
UVFLG.........Flags UV-data.
UVFND.........Prints selected data from UV data set to search for
UVHGM.........Plots statistics of uv data files as histogram.
UVHIM.........Makes image of the histogram on two user-chosen axes.
UVHOL.........Prints holography data from a UV data base with
UVIMG.........Grid UV data into an "image".
UVPLT.........Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways.
UVPRM.........Measures parameters from a UV data base.
UVPRT.........Prints data from a UV data base with calibration.
UVRMS.........Computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data
VH2RL.........Converts from linear to circular polarization and vice
VHMOD.........Compute linear polarization point source model, applies
to data.
VPLOT.........Plots uv data and model from CC file.
WIPER.........Plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV.
XYMOD.........Compute linear polarization point source model, applies
to data.