AIPS HELP file for RMTFC in 31DEC25
As of Sun Jan 19 13:35:02 2025
RMTFC: Task to convolve a TARS RMTF with various slab models
Text file with RMTF
APARM Controls over model
(1,2) X value range of box 1
(3,4) X value range of box 2
(1,2) center, FWHM of Gauss1
(3,4) center, FWHM of Gauss2
output file name
Type: Task
Use: RMTFC computes the convolution of the function contained in
INTEXT with various "slab" models. There is an assumption
that this concerns rotation measure synthesis so the function
in INTEXT is complex but the models are real.
INTEXT......Text file containing data from TARS for the RMTF.
OPTYPE......Type of model:
'BOX1' single box using APARM(1,2)
'BOX2' two boxes using APARM(1,2), APARM(3,4)
note they can have zero width
'GAUS' one Gaussian using APARM(1,2)
'GAU2' two Gaussians using APARM(1,2), APARM(3,4)
APARM.......(1,2) Range in RM values for the first or only box
(3,4) Range in RM values for the second box
(1,2) Center and FWHM in RM values for the first or
only Gaussina
(3,4) Center and FWHM in RM values for the second
OUTFILE.....Text file with convolution of model and RMTF. If
the file already exists, the output will be
appended to it. TARPL allows the selection of one
or more of the models in OUTFILE for plotting.
RMTFC: Task to compute the convolution of an RMTF with a model
RMTFC generates a text file with the convolution of the RMTF
produced by TARS contained in INTEXT with a model controlled by
OPTYPE and APARM. The input and output files have the format
used by TARS output. Plot it with TARPL.
The text file can contain other comment cards starting with an
character not blank or a number so long as they do not start with
semi-colon, 3 blanks, and the letter K ('; K').
An example file (with ... being large numbers of skipped lines):
1 -2000.0 -10732.80 -3509.41
2 -1990.0 -10675.10 -4387.22
3 -1980.0 -11458.82 -5835.72
4 -1970.0 -13273.08 -7360.74
5 -1960.0 -16064.64 -8439.05
6 -1950.0 -19550.80 -8626.45
7 -1940.0 -23277.32 -7649.28
8 -1930.0 -26709.80 -5461.85
9 -1920.0 -29340.48 -2258.88
10 -1910.0 -30789.77 1559.13
196 -50.0 526493.73 644101.19
197 -40.0 672820.55 582428.40
198 -30.0 804620.36 480050.66
199 -20.0 909367.19 342177.90
200 -10.0 976751.67 178060.30
201 0.0 1000000.00 0.00
202 10.0 976751.67 -178060.30
203 20.0 909367.19 -342177.90
204 30.0 804620.36 -480050.66
205 40.0 672820.55 -582428.40
206 50.0 526493.73 -644101.19
392 1910.0 -30789.77 -1559.13
393 1920.0 -29340.48 2258.88
394 1930.0 -26709.80 5461.85
395 1940.0 -23277.32 7649.28
396 1950.0 -19550.80 8626.45
397 1960.0 -16064.64 8439.05
398 1970.0 -13273.08 7360.74
399 1980.0 -11458.82 5835.72
400 1990.0 -10675.10 4387.22
401 2000.0 -10732.80 3509.41