As of Wed Oct 23 4:51:24 2024

HLPEDISS Run-time help for task EDITA (SY tables)

This option allows you to flag (delete) the data for a specific time.
Move the cursor to the time you wish to flag.  The vertical line will
follow it while the time and value of the datum nearest the cursor will
be displayed in the top left corner of the TV.  Once on the desired
time, hit button A or B to flag that time and loop for more, hit button
C to flag the time and return to the menu, and hit button D to return to
the menu with no further flagging.  As you flag a point, it is changed
in color in the editing and secondary area displays and may also be
changed in color in the plots of other antennas if those data are also
flagged.  Data for other polarizations, IFs, and antennas may also be
flagged depending on the setting of the ALL vs ONE POLARIZ, ALL vs ONE
IF, and ALL vs ONE ANTENNA flags (shown at the bottom left of the
display).  Writes one FC table command in one or more (if CROWDED true
and > 1 polarization or IF is displayed) FC table record for each
time marked.  Note that, if the display is so crowded that more than one
time is plotted at the indicated cursor position (in the horizontal
direction only), then a range of times is actually flagged.  This option
is available in expert mode with abbreviation Time and code letter T (or
This option allows you to flag (delete) the data from a range of times.
Move the cursor to the start or end time of the range you wish to flag.
The vertical line will follow while the time of the data sample within
the time range and nearest to the cursor will be displayed in the top
left corner of the TV.  Hit button A to switch to setting the other end
of the time range.  Move the cursor to the end point of the desired time
range; the second line and data value display will follow.  Hit button A
to switch between the begin and end times; hit button B to flag the data
in the specified range and loop to set another time range; hit button C
to flag the data and return to the menu; or hit button D to return to
the menu with no further flagging.  Data for other polarizations, IFs,
and antennas may also be flagged depending on the setting of the All vs
ONE POLARIZ, ALL vs ONE IF, and ALL vs ONE ANTENNA flags (shown at the
bottom left of the display).  Writes one FC table command in one or
more (if CROWDED true and > 1 polarization or IF is displayed) FC
table record for each time range marked.  This option is available in
expert mode with abbreviation Rang and code letter R (or r).
This option allows you to flag (delete) the data having value below a
cutoff level.  Move the cursor to the lowest level you believe in your
data.  The horizontal line will follow while the value of the point
under the cursor will be displayed in the top left corner of the TV.
Hit button A or B to flag all data below the chosen level and loop to do
it again, hit button C to flag all data below the chosen level and
return to the menu; or hit button D to return to the menu with no
further flagging.  Data for other polarizations, IFs, and antennas may
also be flagged depending on the setting of the ALL vs ONE POLARIZ, ALL
vs ONE IF, and ALL vs ONE ANTENNA flags (shown at the bottom left of the
display).  Note that the flagging is done on the basis of the values of
the selected observable (Pdif, Psum, diff Pdif, diff Psum) of each
polarization, IF, and baseline individually.  Writes one FC table
command in one or more FC table records for each value range marked.
This option makes a detailed list of value-independent flag commands
based on the currently plotted values whether currently good or
previously flagged.  It is this detailed list that can be undone or
redone.  This option is available in expert mode with abbreviation
Belo and code letter B (or b).
This option allows you to flag (delete) the data having value above a
cutoff level.  Move the cursor to the highest level you believe in your
data.  The horizontal line will follow while the value of the point
under the cursor will be displayed in the top left corner of the TV.
Hit button A or B to flag all data above the chosen level and loop to do
it again, hit button C to flag all data above the chosen level and
return to the menu; or hit button D to return to the menu with no
further flagging.  Data for other polarizations, IFs, and antennas may
also be flagged depending on the setting of the All vs ONE POLARIZ, ALL
vs ONE IF, and ALL vs ONE ANTENNA flags (shown at the bottom left of the
display).  Note that the flagging is done on the basis of the values of
the selected observable (Pdif, Psum, diff Pdif, diff Psum) of each
polarization, IF, and baseline individually.  Writes one FC table
command in one or more FC table records for each value range marked.
This option makes a detailed list of value-independent flag commands
based on the currently plotted values whether currently good or
previously flagged.  It is this detailed list that can be undone or
redone.  This option is available in expert mode with abbreviation
Abov and code letter A (or a).
This option allows you to flag (delete) the data from a range of times
and a range of data values.  Move the cursor to one corner of the area
you wish to flag.  The box outline will follow while the time of the
data sample nearest the cursor within the box time range and the value
corresponding to the cursor vertical position will be displayed in the
top left corner of the TV.  Hit button A to switch to setting the
opposite corner of the area.  Hit button A to switch between the two
opposite corners; hit button B to flag the data in the specified area
and loop to set another area; hit button C to flag the data and return
to the menu; or hit button D to return to the menu with no further
flagging.  Data for other polarizations, IFs, and antennas may also be
flagged depending on the setting of the ALL vs ONE POLARIZ, ALL vs ONE
IF, and ALL vs ONE ANTENNA flags (shown at the bottom left of the
display).  Note that this flag command is based solely on the data
values in the polarization, IF, and baseline displayed in the edit area.
When other polarizations, IFs, and baselines are also flagged it is
simply the same times as those selected within the box in the edit area.
Writes one FC table command in one or more FC table records for each
area marked.  This option makes a detailed list of value-independent
flag commands based on the currently plotted values whether currently
good or previously flagged.  It is this detailed list that can be
undone or redone.  This option is available in expert mode with
abbreviation arEa and code letter E (or e).
This option allows you to flag (delete) data samples one at a time by
moving the cursor to the sample and hitting buttons A or B.  If you hit
button C, the current point is deleted and the program returns to the
menu.  Button D returns to the menu with no further deletion.  Data for
other polarizations, IFs, and antennas may also be flagged depending on
the setting of the ALL vs ONE POLARIZ, ALL vs ONE IF, and ALL vs ONE
ANTENNA flags (shown at the bottom left of the display).  When other
polarizations, IFs, and baselines are also flagged it is simply the same
time as that selected by the cursor in the edit area.  The cursor needs
to be within 5 screen pixels of the data sample and will take the
nearest sample if there is more than one within this radius.  This mode
is useful for isolated outliers in a crowded display but is more
accurate in complex areas when used within a smaller frame.  Writes one
FC table command in one FC table record for each point marked.  This
option is available in expert mode with abbreviation pOin and code
letter O (or o).  This command flags only the selected point even if
multiple polarizations and/or IFs are displayed.
This option allows you to flag (delete) data samples one at a time by
moving the cursor to the sample (carefully keeping the left mouse button
untouched, i.e. up) and then clicking the left mouse button.  If you hit
buttons A, B, or C, the current point is deleted and the program returns
to the menu.  Button D returns to the menu with no further deletion.
Data for other polarizations, IFs, and antennas may also be flagged
depending on the setting of the ALL vs ONE POLARIZ, ALL vs ONE IF, and
ALL vs ONE ANTENNA flags (shown at the bottom left of the display).
When other polarizations, IFs, and baselines are also flagged it is
simply the same time as that selected by the cursor in the edit area.
The cursor needs to be within 5 screen pixels of the data sample and
will take the nearest sample if there is more than one within this
radius.  This mode is useful for isolated outliers in a crowded display
but is more accurate in complex areas when used within a smaller frame.
This mode is very quick but requires you to be very careful in your use
of the mouse and left mouse button.  Writes one FC table command in one
FC table record for each point marked.  This option is available in
expert mode with abbreviation Quik and code letter Q (or q).  This
command flags only the selected point even if multiple polarizations
and/or IFs are displayed.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Power Differences (Pon-Poff) that will be plotted.  It asks you
for two numbers, the lower limit and the upper.  If the upper limit is >
the lower limit, every plot of Pdif will cover this range, leaving out
any points outside the range (so be careful).  If you type 0 x, where
x <  0, then the  minimum of each plot will be 0 and the maximum will
be self-scaling.  Note that (erroneous) negative values of Pdif will not
appear on the plots in this case.  If you enter one or no numbers or if
the second number is <= the first (but not the 0 x, x < 0), each Pdif
lot will be self-scaling.  The new power difference range, if selected,
is displayed immediately on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Power Sums (Pon+Poff) that will be plotted.  It asks you for
two numbers, the lower limit and the upper.  If the upper limit is >
the lower limit, every plot of Psum will cover this range, leaving out
any points outside the range (so be careful).  If you enter only one
or no values of if the second is <= the first, all Psum plots will be
self-scaling.  The new power sum range, if selected, is displayed
immediately on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In
that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD
option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Post-detector gains that will be plotted.  It asks you for
two numbers, the lower limit and the upper.  If the upper limit is >
the lower limit, every plot of Pgain will cover this range, leaving out
any points outside the range (so be careful).  If you enter only one or
no values or if the second is <= the first, each Pgain plot will be
self-scaling.  The new post-detector gain range, if selected, is
displayed immediately on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Tsys (=Psum/Pdif/2*Tcal) that will be plotted.  It asks you for
two numbers, the lower limit and the upper.  If the upper limit is >
the lower limit, every plot of Psum will cover this range, leaving out
any points outside the range (so be careful).  If you enter only one or
no values or if the second is <= the first, each Tsys plot will be
self-scaling.  The new system temperature range, if selected, is
displayed immediately on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Pdif differences from the running mean that will be plotted.
It asks you for two numbers, the lower limit and the upper.  If the
upper limit is > the lower limit, every plot of Pdif/-1 will
cover this range, leaving out any points outside the range (so be
careful).  Otherwise, each Pdif/-1 plot will be self-scaling.
The new Pdif difference range, if selected, is displayed immediately
on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case,
the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is
displayed and must be selected to see the new data.  If you enter one
or no numbers, Pdif/-1 plots will be self-scaling.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Psum differences from the running mean that will be plotted.
It asks you for two numbers, the lower limit and the upper.  If the
upper limit is > the lower limit, every plot of Psum/-1 will
cover this range, leaving out any points outside the range (so be
careful).  Otherwise, each Psum/-1 plot will be self-scaling.
The new Psum difference range, if selected, is displayed immediately
on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case,
the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is
displayed and must be selected to see the new data.  If you enter one
or no numbers, Psum/-1 plots will be self-scaling.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Pgain differences from the running mean that will be plotted.
It asks you for two numbers, the lower limit and the upper.  If the
upper limit is > the lower limit, every plot of Pgain/-1 will
cover this range, leaving out any points outside the range (so be
careful).  Otherwise, each Pgain/-1 plot will be self-scaling.
The new Pgain difference range, if selected, is displayed immediately
on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case,
the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is
displayed and must be selected to see the new data.  If you enter one
or no numbers, Pgain/-1 plots will be self-scaling.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
range of Tsys (= Psum/Pdif/2*Tcal) differences from the running mean
that will be plotted.  It asks you for two numbers, the lower limit and
the upper.  If the upper limit is > the lower limit, every plot of
Tsys/-1 will cover this range, leaving out any points outside the
range (so be careful).  Otherwise, each Tsys/-1 plot will be
self-scaling.  The new Tsys difference range, if selected, is displayed
immediately on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In
that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD
option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.  If you
enter one or no numbers, Tsys/-1 plots will be self-scaling.
This option allows you to change the length in seconds of a "scan" which
is the time interval over which the running mean is determined for the
Pdif/-1 and Psum/-1 plots and editing.  The new difference
data, if selected, are displayed immediately on the TV unless the
HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code
LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must
be selected to see the new data.
This option will display all Flag Commands currently in the FC table.
These are a summary of the flagging commands which will be applied to
the uv data upon exit. Each command is labeled by a "flag" number which
may be used to specify any flags that you may wish to undo.
This option allows you to undo one or more of the current flagging
commands in the FC table.  You are prompted for the range of consecutive
flag numbers to be undone (use LIST FLAGS to determine this).  If you
enter only one number, that flag command alone will be undone.  The
specified flagging commands are removed from the FC table (deleting one
or more records) and the SY data are un-flagged.  The Flag Commands are
renumbered by this operation, so use lIST FLAGS before deleting others.
When undoing FLAG AREA, FLAG ABOVE, and FLAG BELOW operations, it is
the detailed value-independent commands which were based on the values
current when the operation was done which are undone.  Current values
are ignored.  This option is available in expert mode with abbreviation
Undo and code letter U (or u).  After the UNDO operation, EDITA does
a REDO FLAGS followed by a REPLOT making those two functions no longer
so useful.
This option allows you to correct for having undone a flag command that
overlapped with another flag command.  If two separate commands would
both flag a point, undoing one of them will make the point appear
un-flagged.  REDO FLAGS goes through the full FC table and flags any
points not currently flagged by the commands in the table.  If only one
IF's data fits in memory, REDO FLAGS is run automatically when an IF is
reloaded from disk.  When redoing FLAG AREA, FLAG ABOVE, and FLAG BELOW
operations, it is the detailed value-independent commands which were
based on the values current when the operation was done which are
redone.  Since flags were generated for both data that were then good
and for data that were then flagged, REDO FLAGS should recover the full
intent of the previous flag operation.
This option allows you to enter a 24-character string (left justified)
to be saved with all subsequent flag commands and, eventually, to be
stored in the uv-data flag table as the "reason" for the flag.  Enter
blanks to have the task name, time and date as the reason.
This option allows you to disable the menu as a form of command input
and change to entering one-letter commands from the main AIPS window.
The commands must be left-justified and followed by a carriage return
and may be in either case.  Prompt line(s) appear in the window
showing 4-letter abbreviations of the available commands with the
one-character code shown in upper case.  Enter H or h for a display of
the codes and their translation into menu items.  Enter X or x to exit
the expert mode and return to input via the menu.  Note that only some
menu items are available in this expert mode and the full help
information (such as you are now reading) is not available.
This option will cause the TV display to be updated completely.  It is
only displayed if you have previously selected the HOLD TV LOAD option.
The reason to do this is to delay the screen update while you change
more than one of its parameters, i.e., the data type, display range,
antenna to edit, and/or secondary antennas.  The status code LOAD
PENDING is shown as soon as you have made a change which has not been
displayed.  When you select the DO TVLOAD option, it is replaced with
the HOLD TV LOAD option.
This option will cause the TV display to remain unchanged until the DO
TV LOAD option is selected.  The DO TV LOAD option is displayed if you
have previously selected the HOLD TV LOAD option.  The reason to do this
is to delay the screen update while you change more than one of its
parameters, i.e., the data type, display range, antenna to edit, and/or
secondary antennas.  When you select this option, it is replaced with
the DO TV LOAD option.
This option will redo the full TV plot.  It may be of use if the plot
has not updated as expected.  If any flagging has occurred it will
recompute the differences of Pdif and Psum with their running means,
if the the differences are being displayed.
This option appears only when the task starts with characters that are
currently, or by default, larger than the minimum (7x9 pixels).  It
allows you to set the scaling factor to an integer between 1 and 5.  If
you enter a value outside this range, the character size is not changed.
The task tries to defend itself from menus that become too large for the
This option is used to exit the program.  The Flag Command table will be
translated into entries in a uv flag (FG) table.
This option is used to exit the program.  The Flag Command table will be
destroyed.  Use this option if you have made no editing commands or if
you distrust the commands you have made.
If there are enough polarizations and IFs in the SY table, this option
lets you switch to the "next" correlator.  It selects the other
polarization (if there are 2) and also selects the next IF if the
initial polarization was the highest available.  Thus if there are R
and L polarizations, it goes from R/1 to L/1 to R/2 to L/2 to ...,
eventually circling back to R/1.  If CROWDED was true, this option
changes the display to a single correlator even if > 1 IF or
polarization was plotted when it was selected.  The new data are
displayed immediately on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
If there are two polarizations in the SY table, this option lets you
switch between them to select the data to be displayed and used in
editing.  If CROWDED was true, then the display of both polarizations
at once is also selected by this SWITCH.  The data for the new
polarization are displayed immediately on the TV unless the HOLD TV
LOAD option was selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING
is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected
to see the new data.
This option lets you toggle between having the following flag commands
apply to both polarizations and having them apply only to the current
polarization.  The status lines on the bottom left of the TV screen
reflect the current value of this option.
If you included more than one IF with adverbs BIF and EIF, this option
lets you select which one will be displayed and used in editing.  If
there are more than two IFs or CROWDED is true, you will be prompted
to type the number of the desired IF.  If CROWDED was true, you may
enter 0 to have all IFs displayed at the same time.  If there are just
two IFs and CROWDED is false, the program simply switches to the other
one.  If flags are to be applied to a single IF, they are applied to
the IF selected with this option.  If all IFs were not read into
memory at the start of the job (due to lack of space), then the new IF
is read from disk into memory, replacing the current one.  If there
are commands in the FC table which apply to the IF just re-read the
program will run a REDO FLAGS operation automatically.  The new data
are immediately displayed on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option lets you toggle between having the following flag commands
apply to all IFs, having them apply only to the current IF, or having
them apply to a range of IFs.  The last will prompt you for the two
IF numbers of a range of IFs.  If you only enter one, then only that
one IF will be flagged.  The status lines on the bottom left of the TV
screen reflect the current value of this option.
This option lets you toggle between having the following FLAG ABOVE and
FLAG BELOW commands apply to all times and having them apply only to the
times displayed in the current edit window (the time range of the
This option lets you toggle between having the following flag commands
apply to all sources and having them apply only to the selected sources.
This option lets you toggle between having the following flag commands
apply to all antennas and having them apply only to the current antenna.
The status lines on the bottom left of the TV screen reflect the current
value of this option.
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
number of the antenna to be used for the main display and for editing.
The data for the new antenna are immediately displayed on the TV unless
the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case, the status code
LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be
selected to see the new data.  The data of this primary antenna are
displayed over the current time frame in the editing and secondary
display areas..
This option allows you to type on the terminal (main AIPS window) the
numbers of up  to ten other antennas to be displayed above the display
of the main editing and secondary windows.  These comparison displays
use the same time frame and parameter type as the editing window.  To
display fewer than ten other antennas, simply hit Enter after listing
those that you do want.  You may have no comparison windows if you want
to see the largest possible display of the main editing window (hit
Enter with no non-zero values for this option).  The data for the new
secondary antennas are immediately displayed on the TV unless the
HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD
PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be
selected to see the new data
This option lets you change to the next antenna in EDITA's internal list
for your primary antenna.  The list of other antennas is not changed
unless the new antenna occurs there.  In that case, the new antenna is
removed from the list and a new higher numbered antenna is added at the
end of the list.  The edit and secondary viewing areas will now contain
data from the new primary antenna.  The data for the new antennas are
immediately displayed on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option is available in expert mode with abbreviation Nant and code
letter N (or n).
This option allows you to select the full time range of the data as
the range to be displayed in all windows.  The data for the new time
range are immediately displayed on the TV unless the HOLD TV LOAD
option was selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is
shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to
see the new data.
This option allows you to select the time range in the data to be
displayed in all windows using the TV cursor.  The data are first
re-displayed using the full time range in the data (unless the full
time range was already displayed).  Move the cursor to one end of the
desired time range.  Hit button A or B to switch to setting the other
time limit.  Note that you are allowed to make the time range as large
or small as you want.  Displays that have more than one time plotted in
a single horizontal TV pixel are harder to edit accurately but will be
quicker than having to do multiple frames when accuracy is less
essential.  Hit buttons A or B to switch to the other limit, hit buttons
C or D to select the frame and return to the menu.  The screen is
updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In
that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD
option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.  This
option is available in expert mode with abbreviation Fram and code
letter F (or f).
This option causes the current frame to change to the next higher time
range.  The "frame" is that time range in the data available for
editing in the edit window.  The width of the frame is not changed.  The
screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be
selected to see the new data.
This option causes the current frame to change to the next lower time
range.  The "frame" is that time range in the data available for
editing in the edit window.  The width of the frame is not changed.  The
screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option allows you to set the zoom factor and center to blow up the
data plot for more accurate cursor positioning.  The display is actually
shown in zoom only during flagging operations (where zoom may help you
point more accurately) and during the setting of the zoom.  The cursor
position controls the zoom center, buttons A and B increment the zoom,
button C decrements the zoom, and button D ends the zoom setting and
returns to the menu.  Instructions appear on the terminal.  Note that
selecting a small frame is more accurate than simply blowing up a
crowded display.
This option resets any zoom factors and zoom center.  The display is
actually shown in zoom only during flagging operations (where zoom may
help you point more accurately) and during the setting of the zoom.
This option specifies that Power differences (Pon-Poff) are to be
displayed on the TV and used in the editing.  The screen is updated
immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case,
the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is
displayed and must be selected to see the new data.
This option specifies that Power sums (Pon+Poff) are to be displayed on
the TV and used in the editing.  The screen is updated immediately,
unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case, the status
code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and
must be selected to see the new data.
This option specifies that Post=detector gains are to be displayed on
the TV and used in the editing.  The screen is updated immediately,
unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected.  In that case, the status
code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and
must be selected to see the new data.
This option specifies that scaled system temperatures (Tsys = Tcal *
Psum/Pdif/2) are to be displayed on the TV and used in the editing.  The
screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was
selected.  In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the
DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data.

-1 This option specifies that the differences between Power difference and its running mean (scaled by the running mean to keep all antennas on a similar scale) are to be displayed on the TV and used in the editing. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW PSUM/

-1 This option specifies that the differences between Power sum and its running mean (scaled by the running mean to keep all antennas on a similar scale) are to be displayed on the TV and used in the editing. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW PGAIN/

-1 This option specifies that the differences between Post-detector gain and its running mean (scaled by the running mean to keep all antennas on a similar scale) are to be displayed on the TV and used in the editing. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW TSYS/-1 This option specifies that the differences between Tsys and its running mean (scaled by the running mean to keep all antennas on a similar scale) are to be displayed on the TV and used in the editing. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new data. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO PDIF This option specifies that Power differences for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO PSUM This option specifies that Power sums for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO PGAIN This option specifies that post-detector gains for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO TSYS This option specifies that scaled system temperatures (Tsys = Tcal * Psum/Pdif/2) for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO DPDIF This option specifies that the differences between the power difference and its running mean, scaled by that mean, for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO DPSUM This option specifies that the differences between the power sum and its running mean, scaled by that mean, for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO DPGAIN This option specifies that the differences between the post-detector gain and its running mean, scaled by that mean, for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOW ALSO DTSYS This option specifies that the differences between Tsys and its running mean, scaled by that mean, for the primary antenna are to be displayed on the TV in the secondary display area. The screen is updated immediately, unless the HOLD TV LOAD option was selected. In that case, the status code LOAD PENDING is shown and the DO TV LOAD option is displayed and must be selected to see the new solutions. C-----------------------------------------------------------------------