AIPS HELP file for CLCAL in 31DEC25
As of Tue Feb 18 19:57:44 2025
CLCAL: Task to manage SN and CL calibration tables
INNAME Input UV file name (name)
INCLASS Input UV file name (class)
INSEQ 0.0 9999.0 Input UV file name (seq. #)
INDISK 0.0 9.0 Input UV file disk unit #
SOURCES Source list to calibrate
SOUCODE Source "Cal codes"
CALSOUR Cal sources for calibration
QUAL -10.0 Source qualifier -1=>all
CALCODE Calibrator code ' '=>all
TIMERANG Time range to calibrate
SUBARRAY -32000.0 1000.0 Subarray, 0=>all,
ANTENNAS Antennas selected, 0=> all
SELBAND Bandwidth to select (kHz)
SELFREQ Frequency to select (MHz)
FREQID Freq. ID to select.
OPCODE Operation 'MERG','CALI',
'CALP'; ' ' => 'CALP' ****
INTERPOL Interpolation function,
choices are: '2PT','SIMP',
'SELN'; see HELP for details
CUTOFF Interpolation limit in
time (min); 0=> no limit.
SAMPTYPE Smoothing function
BPARM Smoothing parameters
ICUT 0.0 Cutoff for functional forms
DOBLANK Blanked value interpolation
DOBTWEEN -1.0 1.0 > 0 -> smooth all sources
together; else separate them
SMOTYPE Data to smooth
SNVER Input SN table, 0=>all.
INVERS Upper SN table vers in a
range. 0=>SNVER
GAINVER Input Cal table 0=>high
GAINUSE Output CAL table 0=>high+1
REFANT Reference antenna 0=>pick.
BADDISK 0.0 9999.0 Disks to avoid for scratch
Task: Applies solutions from a set of SN tables to selected entries
in one CL table and writes them into another CL table. The
input CL table should be the one applied to the data when
determining the solutions and the output CL table is the one to
apply when calibrating the data. Other operations on SN tables
are also performed.
For OPCODE='MERG', the SN tables will be merged and
re-referenced to a common reference antenna. The result may
then be smoothed. This OPCODE may be used with single-source
as well as multi-source files.
For OPCODE='CALI' selected SN tables are merged into a
temporary SN table, smoothed if requested, applied to a specified
CL table and written to the specified output CL table. This is
for multi-source files only. CL entries for sources not
included by SOURCES are dropped from the output CL table. This
enables multiple executions of CLCAL, writing to the same CL
table, to build that table back up to one containing all
sources. However, if that table is appled to the data set
while not yet complete, the omitted sources will be flagged on
OPCODE='CALP' is identical to 'CALI' except that uncalibrated
data (CL entries for sources not in SOURCES) are passed through
instead of being dropped. This is now (2013-Feb-18) the
default; previously the more dangerous 'CALI' was the default.
Considerable care should be exercised in using this task with
OPCODE 'CALI'. If GAINUSE is not pre-existing, then the output
file will contain data only for the specified range of adverbs
(e.g. time-range, source list, etc). The data from the SN
table(s) will be interpolated and extrapolated as needed to
cover this range. They are then applied to the input CL values
to produce the output CL values.
If GAINUSE pre-exists, then the CL values for the range of
adverbs is replaced by the data from the input CL tables times
the data from the SN tables and the rest of the pre-existing CL
table is unchanged.
Note that setting GAINUSE=0 (or OPCODE 'CALP' with GAINUSE >
the number of input versions), creates and fills a new CL table
that then is "pre-existing" in the above sense.
Normally, 'CALI' is run with GAINVER and GAINUSE set to
specific values (> 0) and kept at those values, while the other
adverbs are used to fill in all sources and times in the
(fixed) output CL table over multiple executions of CLCAL.
'CALP' is usually run with GAINUSE=GAINVER=0 even when multiple
executions of CLCAL are needed to fill in the CL table
properly. This leads to a number of "extra" CL tables, but
guarantees that the initial CL information (opacity, antenna
gains, etc) is not lost.
See the EXPLAIN CLCAL for additional information.
INNAME.....Input UV file name (name). Standard defaults.
INCLASS....Input UV file name (class). Standard defaults.
INSEQ......Input UV file name (seq. #). 0 => highest.
INDISK.....Disk drive # of input UV file. 0 => any.
SOURCES....List of sources whose CL table entries are to be
updated. '*' or blank = all; a "-" before a source
name means all except ANY source named.
SOUCODE....Sources may be selected on the basis of the
calibrator code given in the SU table.
' ' => any calibrator code selected
'* ' => any non blank code (cal. only)
'-CAL' => blank codes only (no calibrators)
anything else = calibrator code to select.
NB: The SOUCODE test is applied in addition to the
other tests, i.e. SOURCES and QUAL, in the
selection of sources to process.
CALSOUR....List of calibrators to use for updating the CL
table. '*' or blank = all; a "-" before a
calibrator name means all except ANY calibrator
QUAL.......Only sources with a source qualifier number in the
SU table matching QUAL will be used if QUAL is not
-1. QUAL affects the selection of both the list of
sources and the list of calibrators.
CALCODE....Calibrators may be selected on the basis of the
calibrator code given in the SU table.
' ' => any calibrator code selected
'* ' => any non blank code (cal. only)
'-CAL' => blank codes only (no calibrators)
anything else = calibrator code to select.
NB: The CALCODE test is applied in addition to the
other tests, i.e. CALSOUR and QUAL, in the
selection of sources to process.
CALCODE affects only the selection of calibrators.
TIMERANG...Time range of the data to be calibrated. In order:
Start day, hour, min. sec,
end day, hour, min. sec. Days relative to ref.
SUBARRAY...Subarray number to calibrate. 0=>all.
VLBI users may have a situation in which all AIPS subarrays
actually contain the same antennas. CLCAL may be used to
combines the separate SN gain tables, writing a single
output table for "subarray 0". Later calibration routines
will understand that this applies to all subarrays.
Set SUBARRAY = -32000 to request this operation; it will be
reset to 0 if the antennas files are not identical.
ANTENNAS...A list of the antennas to be processed. If any number is
negative then all antennas listed are NOT to be included.
All 0 => use all. Note: when processing subsets of
antennas separately it is very important always to use the
same reference antenna (REFANT).
SELBAND....Bandwidth of data to be selected. If more than one IF is
present SELBAND is the width of the first IF required.
Units = kHz. For data which contain multiple
bandwidths/frequencies the task will insist that some form
of selection be made by frequency or bandwidth.
SELFREQ....Frequency of data to be selected. If more than one IF is
present SELFREQ is the frequency of the first IF required.
Units = MHz.
FREQID.....Frequency identifier to select (you may determine which is
applicable from the OPTYPE='SCAN' listing produced by
LISTR). If either SELBAND or SELFREQ are set, their values
override that of FREQID. However, setting SELBAND and
SELFREQ may result in an ambiguity. In that case, the task
will request that you use FREQID. NOTE: CLCAL should be
run once per FREQID.
OPCODE.....The desired operation: (default is now CALP)
'MERG' requests that all selected SN tables be merged and
the phase-like parameters (phase, delay and rate)
re-referenced to a common reference antenna. The merged SN
table will be smoothed if SAMPTYPE is not blank. The
output will be a new SN table one higher than the
previous maximum. Note that this concatenates the SN
tables, it DOES NOT multiply, divide, or replace entries.
It is intended to be used for SN tables with solutions
for different time ranges or sources rather than
incremental calibration of the same source(s). If the
tables have the significantly different solutions for
the same (similar) time then you probably don't want to
MERG them.
'CALI' requests that the merge operation be done if
necessary and the solutions be (optionally) smoothed and
the selected CL table entries be updated from the
smoothed SN table.
'CALP' is identical to 'CALI' except that uncalibrated
data is passed through instead of being discarded.
INTERPOL...The type of interpolation to be applied to the SN table
when computing the CL table entries (CALI, CALP only)
All methods will extrapolate solutions if necessary. All
of them limit the degree of extrapolation to no more than
1/2 of the time difference between the two calibrations
being extrapolated after which the nearest calibration is
used. WARNING: The CUBE method cannot be limited in this
way and should not be used when extrapolation is
'2PT ' = linear vector interpolation - the default
'SELF' = do 2PT but only using SN entries from the same
source. (New mode starting 20 April 2004.)
'SELN' = Use only SN solution from same source which
is closest in time. (This mode was called SELF
before 20 April.)
'SIMP' = Simple linear phase connection between SN phase
entries, assumes phase difference less than 180
'AMBG' = Linear phase connection using rates to resolve
phase ambiguities.
'CUBE' = As AMBG but fit third order polynomial to phases
and rates.
'POLY' = Fit a polynomial to the SN rates and delays.
Use the integral of the rate polynomial for the
phases. (CUTOFF sets the degree.)
CUTOFF.....Interpolation limit in time (minutes). This specifies the
maximum time interval over which SN records will be
interpolated to calibrate a given CL record. 0 ->
INTERPOL='POLY' does not use this limit. Instead CUTOFF
sets the degree of the polynomial <= 10.
SAMPTYPE...The type of smoothing: ' ' => none
'BOX ' = boxcar smoothing
'MWF ' = Median window filter
'GAUS' = Gaussian
'EXP ' = Exponential
'LINE' = Linear (1 - abs(t-t0)/sigma)
'2PT ' = Two-point
'2PTH' = Two-point + "Hanning"
BPARM......Parameters for smoothing function.
Function support full width in hours.
(1) => support time for amplitudes,
(2) => support time for phase,
(3) => support time for rates
(4) => support time for singleband delay
(5) => support time for multiband delay
Added parameter (FWHM) for GAUS, EXP, LINE in hours
(6) => smoothing FWHM time for amplitudes,
(7) => smoothing FWHM time for phase,
(8) => smoothing FWHM time for rates
(9) => smoothing FWHM time for singleband delay
(10) => smoothing FWHM time for multiband delay
In all cases, the substitution for blanked and good
solutions is governed by DOBLANK (see below)
ICUT.......Cutoff for GAUS, EXP, LINE. The sum of the weighting
function in the support region must exceed ICUT for the
smoothed value to be regarded as valid. Be careful, a
value of 1.5 means that the sample itself must be good
and the sum over other good samples in the support range
must exceed 0.5. < 1.e-6 => 1.e-6.
DOBLANK....Blanked value interpolation:
> 0: replace previously blanked values with smoothed
values, leave previously good values unchanged.
= 0: replace previously blanked and previously good
values with smoothed values.
< 0: replace previously good values with smoothed values,
leave previously blanked values blanked.
Note that DOBLANK >= 0 requires a SMOTYPE that smooths
both phase and amplitude, namely BOTH or FULL
NOTE: >=0 Forces SMOTYPE = 'FULL' unless BOTH is
DOBTWEEN...> 0 => smooth all SN values regardless of source.
<= 0 => smooth only SN values from the same source.
Well-separated calibrators may have different phases just
because of different atmosphere, so one would not want to
smooth them together. This can be achieved via doing one
source at a time, but DOBTWEEN allows one to do all
sources at once - at least if the choice is a simple one.
SMOTYPE....Specified the data to be smoothed. ' '=>'FULL'
'AMPL' = amplitude smoothing only,
'PHAS' = phase smoothing only,
'BOTH' = amplitude and phase
'VLBI' = delay and rate,
'FULL' = amplitude, phase, delay and rate.
SMOTYPE = 'FULL' forced if DOBLANK >= 0
SNVER......First SN table to use. 0 -> 1.
INVERS.....Last SN table to use. 0 -> SNVER EXCEPT if both are
<= 0 then use all SN tables. This will concatenate the
SN tables and then apply them. It DOES NOT multiply,
divide, or replace the entries in the SN tables. It is
intended to be used for SN tables with solutions for
different time ranges or sources rather than incremental
calibration of the same source(s). If the SN tables
have different solutions for the same/similar source/time
then you probably don't want to do this.
GAINVER....Specifies the input version of the (CL) table to which the
SN tables will be applied. 0 => highest CL table
GAINUSE....Version number of the output CL table. Old entries in the
CL table will be replaced. Note: modifying version 1 is
disallowed. 0 => highest + 1 with the full GAINVER table
copied to GAINUSE before the process begins. Note that
GAINUSE may be set to highest + 1 instead and advance
copying is done only on OPCODE 'CALP'.
REFANT.....Reference antenna to use. All phase-like values in the
combined SN table will be referenced to this antenna. 0=>
use the one used in the most solutions.
BADDISK....A list of disks on which scratch files are not to be
placed. This will not affect the output file.
The process of CLCAL consists of 3 steps:
(1) The selected SN tables are merged. Adverbs which control this
step are
SNVER - first SN to use
INVERS - last SN to use
REFANT - re-reference phases to this reference antenna
Beginning on 19 May 2005 this merger process became more
complete. Previously, "merged" tables were simply concatenated
tables sorted into proper order. Thus, if one of the
contributing SN tables had solutions for a subset of the IFs
and polarizations and another SN table had the solutions for
the other IFs and polarizations, the two sets of records would
both appear in the merged SN table. Half of the records would
have flagged solutions for some of the data and the other half
would have flagged solutions for the rest. This mixture of
failed solutions could be corrected by smoothing (with DOBLANK
>= 0) but would otherwise complicate (disrupt) step 3 below.
Now, if two records have the same time, antenna, etc., the
solutions are truely merged with blanked solutions replaced by
good values.
(2) The merged SN table is smoothed in time. Adverbs that control
this process are
SAMPTYPE - type of smoothing function ' ' => none
BPARM - parameters of smoothing function - support size
(time over which function has value) and function
ICUT - function set to 0 when value < ICUT
DOBLANK - which SN table entries are replaced by smoothed
values - blanked ones, good ones, or both
DOBTWEEN - does smoothing go over all sources or is each
source smoothed individually
SMOTYPE - which of amp, phase, etc are smoothed.
(3) The merged and smoothed SN is applied to the output CL table,
except for OPCODE 'MERG'. This is a confusing step:
a) If GAINUSE=0, GAINVER is copied in its entirety to a new
CL table. Otherwise GAINUSE version is used as is
(including starting with an empty file).
b) Data selection adverbs are used to delete the SELECTED
data from GAINUSE leaving any unselected data. Adverbs
C) Data from GAINVER are calibrated by interpolating
selected (merged and smoothed) SN entries to the times in
the CL GAINVER and then written to the GAINUSE.
Relevant adverbs for interpolation are
INTERPOL - function used to interpolate SN to CL
CUTOFF - max time allowed between an SN entry and the
CL entry to which it might apply
And all of the above selection adverbs plus CALSOUR
and CALCODE are also used. OPCODE 'CALP' allows data in
GAINUSE which are selected but for which no SN table
entry exists to be passed through unchanged. Otherwise
they are omitted.