AIPS HELP file for BPARM in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 15 21:39:23 2025
Type: Adverb (Real(10))
Use: A general adverb which contains ten elements as parameters to some
Null value: Usually 0.
Too many to describe the usage - read help files closely
IMFRING.......Large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING.
IMSCAL........Large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL.
OOCAL.........Determines antenna complex gain with frequency-
dependent models.
OOFRING.......Fringe fit data to determine calibration with spectral
index options.
VLACLCAL......Runs CLCAL and prints the results with LISTR.
ACFIT.........Determine antenna gains from autocorrelations.
ACIMG.........Makes image of autocorrelation data showing time vs
AFARS.........Is used after FARS to determine Position and Value of
the maximum.
ANBPL.........Plots and prints uv data converted to antenna based
ATLOD.........Reads ATCA data in RPFITS dormat into AIPS.
BLCAL.........Compute closure offset corrections.
BLCHN.........Compute closure offset corrections on a
channel-by-channel basis.
BOXES.........Adds Clean boxes to BOXFILE around sources from a list.
BPCOR.........Correct BP table.
BSMOD.........Creates single-dish UV beam-switched data with model
CAPLT.........Plots closure amplitude and model from CC file.
CLCAL.........Merges and smooths SN tables, applies them to CL
CLIP..........Edits data based on amplitudes, phases, and weights out
of range.
CLPLT.........Plots closure phase and model from CC file.
CLSMO.........Smooths a calibration CL table.
COMB..........Combines two images by a variety of mathematical
CONFI.........Optimize array configuration by minimum side lobes.
CONPL.........Plots AIPS gridding convolution functions.
CSCOR.........Applies specified corrections to CS tables.
DFQID.........Modifies UV data changing the indicated FQIDs.
DFTIM.........Makes image of DFT at arbitrary point showing time vs
DFTPL.........Plots DFT of a UV data set at arbitrary point versus
DSORC.........Copies a data set elliminating some source numbers.
FACES.........Makes images of catalog sources for initial
FARAD.........Add ionospheric Faraday rotation to CL table.
FILLM.........Reads VLA on-line/archive format uv data tapes
(post Jan 88).
FIXBX.........Converts a BOXFILE to another for input to IMAGR.
FLAGR.........Edit data based on internal RMS, amplitudes, weights.
FLGIT.........Flags data based on the rms of the spectrum.
FRING.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna calibration,
delay, rate.
FRMAP.........Task to build a map using fringe rate spectra.
FRPLT.........Task to plot fringe rate spectra.
FUDGE.........Modifies UV data with user's algorithm: paraform task.
GLENS.........Models galaxy gravitational lens acting on 3 component
HOLGR.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
HOLOG.........Read & process holography visibility data to telescope
INDXR.........Writes index file describing contents of UV data base.
LAYER.........Task to create an RGB image from multiple images.
LOCIT.........Fits antenna locations from SN-table data.
MEDI..........Combines four images by a variety of mathematical
OFUDG.........Modifies UV data with user's algorithm no cal adverbs:
paraform task.
OOSUB.........Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base.
PBEAM.........Fits the analytic function to the measured values of
the beam.
PCAL..........Determines instrumental polarization for UV data.
PCASS.........Finds amplitude bandpass shape from pulse-cal table
PDPLT.........Plots selected contents of PD tables.
POSSM.........Task to plot total and cross-power spectra.
REGRD.........Regrids an image from one co-ordinate frame to another.
REWAY.........Computes weights based in rms in spectra.
RFI...........Look for RFI in uv data.
RLDLY.........Fringe fit data to determine antenna R-L delay
RM2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with RMFIT fit.
SCIMG.........Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with
SCMAP.........Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing.
SDMOD.........Modifies single-dish UV data with model sources.
SDTUV.........Task to convert SD table files to UV like data.
SETFC.........Makes a BOXFILE for input to IMAGR.
SKYVE.........Regrids a DSS image from one co-ordinate frame to
SNBLP.........Plots selected contents of SN or CL files on a baseline
SNPLT.........Plots selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files
versus time.
SNSMO.........Smooths and filters a calibration SN table.
STRAN.........Task compares ST tables, find image coordinates (e.g.
guide star ).
SYVSN.........Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values
versus time.
TAFLG.........Flags data in a Table extension file.
TAMRG.........Task to merge table rows under specified conditions.
TAPLT.........Plots data from a Table extension file.
TEPLT.........Plots selected contents of TE (TECOR) parameter tables.
TYCOP.........Copy TY or SY table calibration between IFs.
TYSMO.........Smooths and filters a calibration TY or SY table.
UVCON.........Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array
UVFIL.........Create, fill a uv database from user supplied
UVHIM.........Makes image of the histogram on two user-chosen axes.
UVPLT.........Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways.
UVPRM.........Measures parameters from a UV data base.
VPLOT.........Plots uv data and model from CC file.
WETHR.........Plots selected contents of WX tables, flags data based
on WX.
WIPER.........Plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV.
XG2PL.........Plots spectrum of a pixel with XGAUS/AGAUS and