AIPS HELP file for IN4SEQ in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 11:15:16 2025
Type: Adverb (Real)
Use: Data files are stored in AIPS under logical names which
have 4 parts: a 12-character "name" field, a 6-character
"class" field, and a numeric "sequence number" field.
IN4SEQ is used to specify the "sequence number" field for
the 4th of the input data files used by a verb or task.
It is used as an integer number between 0 and 9999.
Null value: 0
Null value means take the image having the highest
sequence number which is consistent with the other adverb
name parameters unless explicitly stated otherwise in the
Help file for the verb or task.
CLR4NAME....Clears adverbs specifying the fourth input image
GET4NAME....Fills 4th input image name parameters by catalog slot
IM4HEAD.....Displays the image 4 header contents to terminal, message
Q4HEADER....Verb to summarize the image 4 header: positions at
BLPCL.......Do divide by I,Q,U models for circular polarization
BLCHN. The 4th file is the U model.
CMPLX.......Combines complex images by a variety of mathematical
COMB........Combines two images by a variety of mathematical
methods. The 4th image is of noise for the 2nd image.
GREYS.......Plots images as contours over multi-level grey. The
4th image is for color blue.
HOCLN.........Task to do a clean of holography images.
IMAGR.......Wide-field and/or wide-frequency Cleaning / imaging
task. The 4th image is of spectral curvature.
KNTR........Make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple
panels. The 4th image is of polarization angle or U.
MEDI........Combines four images by a variety of mathematical
OOSUB.......Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base.
The 4th image is of spectral curvature.
PCNTR.......Generate plot file with contours plus polarization
vectors. The 4th image may be used for contours or grey
PDPLT.......Plots selected contents of PD tables.
RMFIT.......Fits 1-dimensional polarization spectrum to Q/U cube.
The 4th image is from FARS, either the phase or the
imaginary part.
TVSPC.......Display images and spectra from a cube interactively.
The 4th image is an optional XYf cube to be displayed one
f at a time.
VHCAL.......Do divide by I,Q,U models for linear polarization data.
VBGLU.......Glues together data from multiple passes thru the VLBA
WTSUM.......Task to do a a sum of images weighted by other images.
The 4th image is of weights assigned to the 2nd image.
BLPOLCAL....Do BLCHN for I, Q, U, V models. 4th is U model.
IMFRING.....Large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING.
The 4th image is of spectral curvature.
IMSCAL......Large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL.
The 4th image is of spectral curvature.
LINIMAGE....Build image cube from multi-IF data set.
The 4th image is of spectral curvature.
OOCAL.......Determines antenna complex gain with frequency-dependent
models. The 4th image is of spectral curvature.
OOFRING.....Fringe fit data to determine calibration with spectral
index options. The 4th image is of spectral curvature.
TDSTEP3.....Time-dependent imaging procedure "step 3"
TDSTEP5.....Time-dependent imaging procedure "step 5"
VHCALIB.....Do CALIB for linear polarization with I, Q, U models.