AIPS HELP file for RPARM in 31DEC25
As of Sun Jan 19 14:02:44 2025
Type: Adverb (Real(30))
Use: A general adverb which contains thirty elements to send to a
Null value: Usually 0.
CUBIT.....Model a galaxy's density and velocity distribution from
full cube. The RPARM are radius values in asec for a
rotation curve supplied by the user.
EVAUV.....Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does statistics
on results. RPARM returns the results.
PLOTR.....Basic task to generate a plot file from text input.
VPARM defines which data groups are plotted with
symbols and the symbol type.
PRTAB.....Prints any table-format extension file. RPARM is used
to limit the rows printed to those meeting specified
column values.
SUFIX.....Modifies source numbers on uv data. RPARM specifies the
stop times of the time intervals.
TAPLT.....Plots data from a Table extension file. RPARM is used
to limit the rows plotted to those meeting specified
column values.
TARPL.....Plot input and output text files of the TARS task.
VPARM defines which data groups are plotted with
symbols and the symbol type.
TYAPL.....Undoes and re-does nominal sensitivity application.
RPARM provides a list of antennas to be set to the
average of the good antennas.
VBCAL.....Scale visibility amplitudes by antenna based constants.
RPARM provides those constants for antennas 31-60.