AIPS HELP file for RUN in 31DEC25
As of Sat Feb 8 5:20:37 2025
RUN: Pseudoverb to read an external RUN files into AIPS.
VERSION Version of code to use.
Must be the ONLY command on the input line.
RUN name
where name is the name of a file in the RUNFIL or
VERSION areas of your computer cataloged as
name.usr, where usr is your user number in hex or in
VERSION or the RUNSYS area cataloged as name.001.
The latter are AIPS-provided service routines.
Type: Pseudoverb (ONLY command on the input line)
Use: To cause the command input to AIPS to be taken from the specified
(text-editor type) file until an end of file is found. The
command input then reverts to the normal source.
Grammar: RUN name
where name is the name of a sub-file within the area reserved for
RUN texts or in one of your disk areas. See your local systems
programmer for info on how to create your own subfiles. These
files are created using your local text editor and may contain
any legal AIPS commands including RUN itself. Their names must
begin with a letter (A-Z). They are used primarily to keep
your own set of procedures, initial value specifications, and
the like. On UNIX systems, the RUN files are stored in an area
called /AIPS/RUN (environment variable $RUNFIL) under names of
the form yourname.usr, where yourname is any name up to 8
characters and usr is your AIPS user number in three
extended-hexidecimal digits, right-justified with leading 0 if
needed. NOTE: the first line of a RUN file is not executed by
AIPS and is intended to contain info on the date and user name.
If it does not, the file may vanish from a public area without
RUN x must be the only command on the input line. All other
commands on the line will be ignored. RUN files may be nested
up to 20 deep, but note that the COMPRESS "verb" does a RUN
operation and so counts against this limit.
The RUN file may be either one of your files called name.usr
where usr is your user number in extended HEX or it may be a
user- or AIPS-provided utility called name.001. Min match
applies to name as follows:
(a) If VERSION = ' ', the file $RUNFIL/name.usr is sought
and if it is not found, then the file $RUNSYS/name.001
is sought. (RUNSYS is an AIPS-provided system area for
things like VLBAUTIL.)
(b) If VERSION = 'xxx', the file $xxx/name.usr is sought
and if it is not found, the file $xxx/name.001 is
Hint - if you have put the file under user 1 in $RUNFIL, then
you must set VERSION = 'RUNFIL'.
VERSION...Version of run file to be used. See HELP VERSION and
above for details.
RUN: Pseudoverb to read an external RUN file into AIPS.
The writing and editing of procedures more than a few lines long in
AIPS (see PROCEDURES) is tedious because of the primitive editor. Long
procedures are better written in text files at monitor level in the
computer, where there are good editing facilities (e.g. SOS or EMACS in
VAX/VMS, SEDIT in Modcomp, emacs or vi in UNIX). These files can then
be transferred to AIPS and executed very simple by use of the RUN file
The pseudoverb RUN facilitates the preparation of such files at
monitor level. Any set of commands consistent with the text editor can
be stored in a text file. This includes anything you can use in AIPS.
The text files are generally stored in an area associated with the name
of RUN. Thus, in UNIX these text files are stored in a sub-directory
called /AIPS/RUN usually (always $RUNFIL) so that they are directly
accessible under the AIPS logon.
The following illustration applies to VAX/VMS, with SOS editor. You
are going to prepare a file whose name is xxx. (Your user number in
extended hexadecimal is called usr below.) First get into monitor
level ($ prompt). Then:
$ EDIT/SOS RUNFIL:xxx.usr (cr) $EDIT/EDT xxx.usr (cr) will
gives you EDT editor)
* 00100 --TASK TO SUBTRACT (cr) first line is ignored by AIPS,
It is used for your
information only.
* 00200 task='uvmap';dowa=1; note dowait=1 will normally be
necessary if you are executing
several tasks in sequence
* 00300 [various inputs] (cr)
* 00400 GO;(cr) in AIPS, certain information
cannot be set on the same
line as GO. Safest to use a
separate line for GO.
* 00500 task='apcln'(cr)
* 00600 [various inputs] (cr)
* 00700 GO; (cr)
* 00800 [escape] (cr) hit escape key for SOS or
CNTR Z for EDT; line 00800 will
not appear in text file
* L (cr) print out file on line printer
* E or ET (cr) catalogue file and leave editor
$ SET DEF [AIPS] set back to AIPS logon
$ AIPS (cr) enter AIPS version you want
(OLD,NEW,TST), user no. etc
> RUN xxx (cr) read and execute file xxx.RUN.
Text will be listed as read.
Your new file xxx is stored as xxx.usr;n where n is the version
number, starting at 1. When you invoke file xxx from AIPS, it
automatically selects the version with the highest sequence number
(latest version).
All versions n of xxx.usr are stored in AIPS.RUN. The command EDIT
xxx.RUN selects the highest n when you want to change something in an
already existing file xxx. You make the changes using the usual SOS
editor facilities (Pyyy:zzz lists lines yyy to zzz; Ryyy replaces line
yyy; Sindisk=1$indisk=2$/. changes indisk=1 to indisk=2 throughout; and
so on). When you have finished making changes, E (or ET) catalogs the
file with the version number augmented by 1.
If you specifically want to change a version of xxx other than the
latest one, type EDIT xxx.usr;n where n is the desired version.
To list all run files existing in AIPS.RUN, type $ DIR at monitor
level but after $ RUN has been invoked. You will get a listing of
everyone's files, not just your own. At present, the RUN area separates
users by the .usr portion of the file names. Considering that every
version of everyone's files is stored, there can be space problems.
Therefore it is requested that users delete files or versions they don't
need. To do so:
$ DEL xxx.usr;n (cr) deletes version n, and only n, of
file xxx. n MUST be specified
when using DEL.
$ PURGE xxx.usr deletes ALL versions of xxx except
the latest one.
These comments apply to VAX/VMS. The entire RUN file management is
different on other machines. Consult COOKBOOK for a few facts about the
The command "E" stores the RUN file WITH the line numbers retained.
Line numbers are acceptable when using the SOS editor but not the EMACS
editor. "ET" stores the RUN file without line numbers. If the SOS
editor is then subsequently invoked, it automatically reinserts a
sequenced set of line numbers starting at 00100. "EQ" declines to store
a RUN file at all, but otherwise exits from the editor.