HLPFTFLG | Interactive time-channel visibility Editor - run-time help |
HLPUFLAG | Edit uv-data on a grid UFLAG - run-time help |
HLPWIPER | edit uv data from UVPLT-like plot WIPER - run-time help |
IBLED | Interactive BaseLine based visibility EDitor |
INTTIME | adds user-generated lines to the history extension file |
ISCALIB | states that the current source is a point-source calibrator |
NOISE | estimates the noise in images, noise level cutoff |
OFLAG | uses on-line flag table information to write a flag table |
OUTFGVER | selects version of the flagging table to be written |
PCEDT | Interactive TV task to edit pulse-cal (PC) tables |
PCFLG | interactive flagging of Pulse-cal data in channel-TB using the TV |
PDEDT | Interactive TV task to edit polarization D-term (PD) tables |
REASON | The reason for an operation |
REFLG | Attempts to compress a flag table |
RFI | Look for RFI in uv data |
RFLAG | Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe visibilities |
SCANLENG | specify length of ”scan” |
SCIMG | Full-featured imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing |
SCMAP | Imaging plus self-calibration loop with editing |
SCUTOFF | noise level cutoff |
SDLSF | least squares fit to channels and subtracts from SD uv data |
SHAHO | Flags Holography data for shadowing |
SNEDT | Interactive SN/CL/TY/SY table editor using the TV |
SNFLG | Writes flagging info based on the contents of SN files |
SPFLG | interactive flagging of UV data in channel-TB using the TV |
TABED | Task to edit tables |
TAFLG | Flags data in a Table extension file |
TVFLG | interactive flagging of UV data using the TV |
UFLAG | Plots and edits data using a uv-plane grid and the TV |
UVFLG | Flags UV-data |
UVFND | prints selected data from UV data set to search for problems |
UVLIN | Fits and removes continuum visibility spectrum, also can flag |
UVLSD | least squares fit to channels and divides the uv data. |
UVLSF | least squares fit to channels and subtracts from uv data. |
UVMLN | edits data based on the rms of the spectrum |
VPFLG | Resets flagging to all or all corss-hand whenever some are flagged |
WETHR | Plots selected contents of WX tables, flags data based on WX |
WIPER | plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV |