As of Wed Sep 11 3:59:28 2024

VLBAWIDE: Calibrate all VLBA wideband autocorrelations for RFI


          To run this procedure you MUST type RUN VLBAUTIL,
          RUN VLBARFI, and RUN VLBAWIDE first to define the
          procedures in AIPS.

DATAIN                             Disk file name
OUTDISK                            Working disk with ample space
DPARM                              number files in each band
                                      P L S C X U K Q
SYSOUT                             File name for extra copy of
                                     the VBRFI text file.
KK                                 Characters kk and kk+1 in
                                     DATAIN get the sequence
BB                                 start on file # BB from
                                   DATAIN sequence    0 => 1
W_DEBUG                            > 0 turns on debugging
             adverbs of VLBARFI
DOCALIB                            <= 0 -> do no calibration
                                   > 0 -> calibrate using
                                          adverbs below
CLINT                              CL table interval in minutes.
CHREFANT                           Reference antenna NAME
TECRFILE                           Local copy of TEC file
                                   '' => download automatically
                                   '-' => don;t do this corr.
EOPSFILE                           Local copy of EOP file
                                   '' => download automatically
                                   '-' => don;t do this corr.
DOBAND                             >= 0 -> compute and apply a
                                   bandpass function
DOCLIP                             not 0 -> use CLIP on all
                                   sources: gives clip levels
                                   before amp cal & BPASS
DOFLAG                             > 0 -> make RFLAG plots on
                                   all sources - clip level is
                                   max (100, DOFLAG) if a
                                   clip limit > 100 Jy is
                                   desired (e.g. masers)
TYSMOLEV                           > 0 -> clip level in TYSMO
ELEVLIM                            > 0 -> flag elevation <
INTEXT                             Input flag commands
          Hint: when setting directory and e-mail lower-case
          letters can be retained by NOT using the close quote.
DOPLOT                             <= 0 no plots;=1 basic plots
                                   = 2 instrumental phase cal
                                       and CL after ACSCL, APCAL
PRTASK                             'VLBRF' use median over time
                                   task, else use VBRFI
OUTFILE                            DIRECTORY FOR HTML AND PLOT
                                     FILES: if you want an html
                                     file with plots please set
                                     the dir where the html and
                                     plot files can be put.
OUTTEXT                            E-MAIL ADDRESS: if you want
                                     an e-mail when the script
                                     is complete, set the
                                     address here.
BADDISK                            Disks to avoid for scratch


Type: Procedure
Use:  VLBAWIDE is used to run VLBARFI on a set of data files from one or
      more spectral bands.  To use this procedure you must have loaded
      the standard VLBA procedures (RUN VLBAUTIL), the special RFI
      routine (RUN VLBARFI) and finally this routine (RUN VLBAWIDE).  It
      then loops over bands and sequence numbers within bands as
      specified by DPARM (and BB).

      VLBAWIDE assumes that you have all the input FITS IDI files
      named the same except for consecutive sequence numbers.  If
      you have all of the standard data sets, then the data are:
            band  logical sequence #s
             P         01 - 03
             L         04 - 05
             S         06 - 07
             C         08 - 14
             X         15 - 20
             U         21 - 28
             K         29 - 38
             Q         39 - 57
      However, you actually control the sequence with DPARM and the
      starting point BB.  For example, if you have only 5 C band data
      sets, you could use sequence numbers 01 through 05.  In that
      case, set DPARM = 0 0 0 5 and BB = 1.  NOTE WELL: the actual file
      names use numbers starting from 00.  VLBAWIDE sets DATAIN using
      the logical sequence number (starting with 1) minus one.

      VLBAWIDE then reads the FITS IDI file with VLBARFI, corrects it as
      needed, applies calibration if requested (DOCALIB > 0), SPLATs the
      autocorrelation data into a new file, and applies VBRFI or VLBRF
      to those data.  The results of this may be placed as a set of html
      files in subdirectories of OUTFILE with the plots of VBRFI or
      VLBRF (if DOPLOT > 0).  Additionally, the complete results of
      VBRFI or VLBRF in text form may be placed in an additional
      directory specified by SYSOUT.

      See EXPLAIN VLBARFI for additional details.

  DATAIN......Disk file name for FITS IDI data set.  Characters KK and
              KK+1 are changed to hold the sequence number.  Example:
              in which case KK = 16.  The actual file name uses the
              logical sequnce number - 1 (so 0 - 56).
  OUTNAME.....Output file name. ' ' => 'TW005'  Character 9 gets the
              band code and 11-12 get the sequence number
  OUTDISK.....Output disk.  0 => highest (best to specify)
  DPARM.......The number of data files to process in each band in order:
              P L S C X U K Q.  Thus DPARM = 0 0 0 4 would process 4
              data sets in C band only.  All 0 => 3,2,2,7,6,8,10,19.
  SYSOUT......Path name of a directory for an extra copy of each text
              file written by VBRFI or VLBRF.
                   E.G., SYSOUT = '$MYVBRFI/21MAY19/
              Note use of environment variable and subdirectory for
              date.  (The usual AIPS grammar is not used here.)  The
              actual file name will be constructed by VLBAWIDE.  The
              intent of this option is to provide archival copies.
              These files may also be used to generate plots with
              PLRFI, including ones that combine all of the spectra
              from a single band.
  KK..........Start character number of 2-digit sequence number in
  BB..........If you want to skip the first sequence numbers, set BB to
              the desired number to start.  BB <= 0 -> 1.  Example:
              to do only the first U band data, set BB = 21 and
              DPARM = 3,2,2,7,6,1,0,0
  W_DEBUG.....> 0 => turn on some debugging of the procedure
  DOCALIB.....<= 0 -> DO NO CALIBRATION.  The autocorrelations are
              written out and analyzed with no calibration applied.
              > 0, apply standard calibrations.
  CLINT.......Calibration table interval in minutes. This should
              normally be in the range 0.25 to 1.0.  If <=0 then
              0.25 is assumed.

       ---------  the following matter only when DOCALIB > 0 ----------

  CHREFANT....Name of reference antenna.  If not set, a sensible
              antenna in the southwest will be tried (FD, PT, LA or
  TECRFILE....Input file.  If ''=> file will be automatically
              downloaded.  If there is a problem with automatic
              downloads (this can be a problem with some firewalls)
              the file can be can be downloaded manually.  See EXPLAIN
              VLBATECR for details on how to download the file(s).
              The file should contain TEC maps spanning the time
              range covered by the input CL table and should be in
              IONEX format.  If NFILES > 1 then the name MUST be in
              standard format CCCCdddC.yyC where C can be any
              character, ddd is the day number, and yy is the year.
              Also the name given in INFILE must be the first day.
              If TECRFILE='-', skip this correction which is also
              skipped for frequencies above 12 GHz.
  EOPSFILE....Input file.  If ''=> file will be automatically
              downloaded.  If there is a problem with automatic
              downloads (this can be a problem with some firewalls)
              the file can be can be picked up from:
              If EOPSFILE='-', skip this correction because the data
              are too new for the USNO file.
  DOBAND......> or = 0 - run BPASS and apply the resulting BP table.
              < 0 -> no bandpass function (when really noisy)
  DOCLIP......If DOCLIP(1) not 0, clip parallel hand data at
              ABS(DOCLIP(1)) Jy and cross-hand data at ABS(DOCLIP(2))
              Jy.  If DOCLIP(2)=0 no cross-hand clipping is done.
              Parallel hand data are flagged when cross-hand data are
              and vice versa.  CLIP is run before amplitude calibration,
              just before BPASS is run.
  DOFLAG......> 0 says to run RFLAG once for each CALSOUR, the first
              time to plot and set the flagging levels.  No flag table
              is written.  If you are observing a source with strong
              lines, the value of the pre-clip in Jy (FPARM(13)) is set
              to max (100, DOFLAG).  The plot files will appear in
              glorious color in the output html page.
  TYSMOLEV....> 0 => run TYSMO on the TY table.  The input TY values are
              clipped between below TYSMOLEV/20 and above TYSMOLEV.
              Then the data are median window filtered over a 10 minute
              interval and values > TYSMOLEV/10 from the median are
              flagged.  Then a 15-minute box filter is used to replace
              all flagged values with a smoothed value from a nearby
              time.  Do NOT do this unless you think the TY table needs
              regularizing (and many do).
  ELEVLIM.....> 0 => Flag all data below ELEVLIM degrees
  INTEXT......If not blank, text file with flagging commands to be
              read by UVFLG.
              Adverb values are entered in a text file with
              descriptions of data to be flagged separated by a '/'.
              There can be up to 40000 selection criteria in the edit
              file.  See EXPLAIN UVFLG.

       ---------  the following matter all the time ----------

  DOPLOT......Make diagnostic plots to judge quality of procedure
                 <=0 => no plots
                 > 0 and < 0.5 => some plots but convert is known
                                  not to work
                 1 => Plot BPASS solutions, RFLAG and VBRFI or VLBRF
                 2 => Plot Instrumental phase cal, CL table after ACSCL
                      and APCAL
                 3 => POSSM for each scan and antenna after calibration
                      for each CALSOUR.
                 4 => Also SN and CL table after ACCOR and after ACSCL
  PRTASK......'VLBRF' => use task VLBRF for statistics - does median
                         over time with MAD for the rms
              else    => use task VBRFI which uses SOLINT averages and
                         standard statistics for mean and rms.
  OUTFILE.....Directory of html and plots files.  If you want the
              diagnostic plots written to disk and an html file
              created to make the plots easier to examine please set
              directory here.  This is limited to 35 characters
              (including final /).  Environmental variables are
              allowed and must end with a ':'.  Mixed environmental
              and regular are not allowed, e.g.,
              are allowed.
              is not.
              A subdirectory will actually be used so this directory
              may contain previous subdirectories.  It should not
              contain any PostScript files.  A text file containing
              all of the messages will be saved in the subdirectory
              with the name messages.txt.
  OUTTEXT.....E-mail address for notifications when script is done or
  BADDISK.....A list of disk numbers to be avoided when creating scratch