As of Mon Feb 10 10:06:47 2025

TBOUT: Task to Write AIPS tables to text files.


INNAME                             Image name (name)
INCLASS                            Image name (class)
INSEQ             0.0    9999.0    Image name (seq. #)
INDISK            0.0       9.0    Disk drive #
INEXT                              Extension type
INVERS           -5.0   46655.0    Extension file version #
OUTTEXT                            External text file name.
DOCRT                              Max width of output (char)
BCOUNT             0.0  999999.0   Begin Table record to Write
ECOUNT             0.0  999999.0   End Table record to Write


Type:  Task
Use:   TBOUT writes AIPS tables to an external text file.
  INNAME......Image name (name).           Standard defaults.
  INCLASS.....Image name (class).          Standard defaults.
  INSEQ.......Image name (seq. #).         0 => highest.
  INDISK......Disk drive # of image.       0 => any.
  INEXT.......Extension file type          ' ' => 'TA'
  INVERS......Extension file version #     0 => highest.
  OUTTEXT.....External text file name.
  DOCRT.......Max. width of the output in characters.  If all
              columns cannot fit in this maximum size then
              several passes will be made through the data.
              .LE. 40 => 80.
  BCOUNT......Begin Table record to Write; Output file recond
              numbers will be labeled starting at 1
  ECOUNT......End Table record to Write


DOCUMENTOR: G. I. Langston and W. D. Cotton, NRAO.
RELATED PROGRAMS: PRTAB, TACOP, TABED and other tables routines


     The purpose of this task and its twin TBIN is to provide a
way to export AIPS tables outside of the AIPS system and to
introduce data from external sources into an AIPS table.
The means of exchange is via a text file which contains first a
FITS like header section describing the file (See Going AIPS
chapter on FITS files) followed by a multi-column table.
If the table cannot fit in DOCRT characters it will be divided
into as many blocks of columns which will fit into DOCRT
characters.  If the table contains arrays of values, these
values are listed by repeating the row in the table of columns.
The row will be repeated for each element of the array.


     One must supply the name of the external file via the AIPS
adverb OUTTEXT.  Examples:
         OUTTEXT='disk$res:[myarea.pgm]table.txt'  (VMS)
         OUTTEXT='myarea:table.txt'                 (Unix)
            where MYAREA is an environment variable set before
            starting AIPS:
             percentsetenv MYAREA /mnt/fschwab/sim
An example UV flag (FG) file is listed below.  The text file
has the basic FITS format with keywords and HISTORY Lines

Note several points:
a) XTENSION is the table type, either a simple TABLE or
            aips 3d table, A3DTABLE
b) NAXIS1   is the width of the text file in characters.
c) NOPASS   is the number of passes needed to fit all columns of
            the table into NAXIS1 chars.
d) TFIELDS  is the actual number of Columns in the Table.
e) TBCOL    lists the start column of the table field and pass
            containing the variable.
            The Field pass is decoded by:
                PASS(I) = TBCOL(I)/1000 + 1
            The Field begin column is decoded by:
                BCOL(I) = MOD ( TBCOL(I), 1000)
f) TFDIM    is the Field DIMension; number of array elements,
            characters or bits.  A dimension of 0 is allowed.
g) END      An END card must preceed column labels
h) LABEL    Labels are repeated before each pass.
i) ROW      Each record must start with a row number.  Flaged
            Table entries are marked by negative ROW numbers.
            ROW number is repeated for the maximum dimension of
            the Fields in each pass.  In the example below,
            columns 1, 2, 7 and 8 have dimension 1, while
            columns 3, 4, 5 and 6 have dimension 2.  Characters
            and Bits MUST have dimension 1.  If a variable is
            written with other variables having greater array
            length, double quotes ('') mark the variable
j) PASS     Passes have different dimensions.  In Pass 2 of the
            example, all variables have dimension 1, so Rows
            are listed only once. The begin and end of the data
            part of each pass is marked with strings
            '***BEGIN*PASS***' and '***END*PASS***'
            starting in column 1.

XTENSION= 'A3DTABLE'           / extension type
BITPIX  =                    8 / printable ASCII codes
NAXIS   =                    2 / Table is a matrix
NAXIS1  =                   80 / Max. no. of characters/pass
NAXIS2  =                    7 / Number of entries in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / Random parameter count
GCOUNT  =                    1 / Group count
NOPASS  =                    2 / Number of passes thru table
TFIELDS =                    8 / Number of fields in each row
EXTNAME = 'AIPS FG '           / AIPS table file
EXTVER  =                    1 / Version Number of table
TBCOL1  =                    9 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM1  = 'I12     '           / Fortran format of field  1
TFDIM1  =                    1 / Dimension of field  1
TTYPE1  = 'SOURCE  '           / type (heading) of field  1
TUNIT1  = '        '           / physical units of field  1
TBCOL2  =                   20 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM2  = 'I12     '           / Fortran format of field  2
TFDIM2  =                    1 / Dimension of field  2
TTYPE2  = 'SUBARRAY'           / type (heading) of field  2
TUNIT2  = '        '           / physical units of field  2
TBCOL3  =                   31 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM3  = 'I12     '           / Fortran format of field  3
TFDIM3  =                    2 / Dimension of field  3
TTYPE3  = 'ANTS    '           / type (heading) of field  3
TUNIT3  = '        '           / physical units of field  3
TBCOL4  =                   42 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM4  = 'E15.6   '           / Fortran format of field  4
TFDIM4  =                    2 / Dimension of field  4
TTYPE4  = 'TIME RAN'           / type (heading) of field  4
TUNIT4  = 'DAYS    '           / physical units of field  4
TBCOL5  =                   57 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM5  = 'I12     '           / Fortran format of field  5
TFDIM5  =                    2 / Dimension of field  5
TTYPE5  = 'IFS     '           / type (heading) of field  5
TUNIT5  = '        '           / physical units of field  5
TBCOL6  =                   68 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM6  = 'I12     '           / Fortran format of field  6
TFDIM6  =                    2 / Dimension of field  6
TTYPE6  = 'CHANS   '           / type (heading) of field  6
TUNIT6  = '        '           / physical units of field  6
TBCOL7  =                 1009 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM7  = 'X4      '           / Fortran format of field  7
TFDIM7  =                    4 / Dimension of field  7
TTYPE7  = 'PFLAGS  '           / type (heading) of field  7
TUNIT7  = '        '           / physical units of field  7
TBCOL8  =                 1018 / Starting char. pos. of field
TFORM8  = 'A24     '           / Fortran format of field  8
TFDIM8  =                   24 / Dimension of field  8
TTYPE8  = 'REASON  '           / type (heading) of field  8
TUNIT8  = '        '           / physical units of field  8
HISTORY TBOUT  /INNAME='3C286       .MULTI .   2'
COL. NO.      1          2          3          4           5   6
  NUMBER                                    DAYS
       1          0          0          7  -2.314815E-05   1   1
       1         ''         ''          9   9.990000E+02   1   0
       2          0          0          7  -2.314815E-05   1   1
       2         ''         ''         10   9.990000E+02   1   0
       3          0          0          7  -2.314815E-05   1   1
       3         ''         ''         11   9.990000E+02   1   0
       4          0          0          8  -2.314815E-05   1   1
       4         ''         ''          9   9.990000E+02   1   0
      -5          0          0          8  -2.314815E-05   1   1
      -5         ''         ''         10   9.990000E+02   1   0
       6          0          0          8  -2.314815E-05   1   1
       6         ''         ''         11   9.990000E+02   1   0
       7          0          0         20  -2.314815E-05   1   1
       7         ''         ''         21   9.990000E+02   1   0
COL. NO.      7        8
       1   '1111' 'TBIN TBOUT TEST         '
       2   '1111' 'TBIN TBOUT TEST         '
       3   '1111' 'TBIN TBOUT TEST         '
       4   '1111' 'TBIN TBOUT TEST         '
      -5   '1111' 'TBIN TBOUT TEST         '
       6   '1111' 'TBIN TBOUT TEST         '
       7   '1100' 'ANOTHER TBIN/OUT TEST   '