AIPS HELP file for TVCHAN in 31DEC25
As of Mon Feb 17 6:08:22 2025
Type: Adverb (Real)
Use: TV channel to be used. When 2 channels need to be specifed,
adverb TV2CHAN is now used.
Null Value: 0
Null value assignment depends on verb or task:
0 => 1 for most.
HUEWEDGE......Show a wedge on the TV suitable for TVHUEINT displays.
OFFSCROL......Verb which deactivates scroll of an image.
OFFTRAN.......Verb which restores transfer function to normal.
REMOVIE.......Verb to rerun a previously loaded (TVMOVIE) movie.
ROAMOFF.......Verb to recover image from roam display in simple
display mode.
TV3COLOR......Verb to initiate 3-color display using 3 TV channels.
TVANOT........Verb to load anotation to the TV image or graphics.
TVBANDW.......Verb to activate three types of black and white TV
TVBLINK.......Verb which blinks 2 TV planes, can do enhancement also.
TVCLEAR.......Verb to clear image from TV channel(s).
TVCUBE........Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie.
TVFIDDLE......Verb enhances B/W or color TV image with zooms.
TVHUEINT......Verb to make hue/intensity display from 2 TV channels.
TVILINE.......Verb to draw a straight line on an image on the TV.
TVLINE........Verb to load a straight line to the TV image or
TVLOD.........Verb to load an image into a TV channel.
TVLUT.........Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image.
TVMBLINK......Verb which blinks 2 TV planes either auto or manually.
TVMLUT........Verb which modifies the transfer function of the image.
TVMOVIE.......Verb to load a cube into tv channel(s) & run a movie.
TVOFF.........Verb which turns off TV channel(s).
TVON..........Turns on one or all TV image planes.
TVROAM........Load up to 16 TV image planes and roam a subset
TVSCROL.......Shift position of image on the TV screen.
TVSPLIT.......Compare two TV image planes, showing halves.
TVTRANSF......Interactively alters the TV image plane transfer
COTVLOD.......Proc to load an image into a TV channel about a
OFFHUINT......Proc which restores TV functions to normal after
TVALL.........Procedure loads image to TV, shows labeled wedge,
TVRESET.......Reset the TV without erasing the image planes.
BLANK.........Blanks out selected, e.g. non-signal, portions of an
BLSUM.........Sums images over irregular sub-images, displays
GREYS.........Plots images as contours over multi-level grey.
HUINT.........Make RGB image from images of intensity & hue, like
KNTR..........Make a contour/grey plot file from an image w multiple
PANEL.........Convert HOLOG output to panel adjustment table.
PCNTR.........Generate plot file with contours plus polarization
PFPL1.........Paraform Task to generate a plot file: (does grey
PLAYR.........Task to load one or two images and play with them on
the TV.
TVHUI.........Make TV image from images of intensity, hue,
TVIEW.........Display image cube in all 3 transpositions with
rotation & reference.
TVPL..........Display a plot file on the TV.
TVRGB.........Make TV image from images of true color (RGB) images.
TVSPC.........Display images and spectra from a cube.