13.39 UV

ACCOR    Corrects cross amplitudes using auto correlation measurements
ACIMG    Makes image of autocorrelation data showing time vs frequency
ACLIP    edits suto-corr data for amplitudes, phases, and weights out of range
ACSCL    Corrects cross amplitudes using auto correlation measurements
ADDIF    Adds an IF axis to a uv data set
AFILE    sorts and edits MkIII correlator A-file.
ALIAS    adverb to alias antenna numbers to one another
ALVAR    Plots the Allan Variance statistic of a UV data set
ALVPR    prints statistics on the Allan Variance of a UV data set
AMKAT    renumbers MeerKAT antennas so taht antenna number =¿ station ID
ANBPL    plots and prints uv data converted to antenna based values
ASDMFILE    Full path to EVLA ASDM/BDF directory
ATLOD    Reads ATCA data in RPFITS dormat into AIPS
AVER    Averages over time UV data sets in ’BT’ order
AVGWT    Computes the average visibility weight of the included data
AVOPTION    Controls type or range of averaging done by a task
AVSPC    Averages uv-data in the frequency domain
BAND    specifies the approximate frequency of UV data to be selected
BASFIT    fits antenna locations from SN-table data
BASRM    Task to remove a spectral baseline from total power spectra
BDFLIST    List contents of EVLA ASD data file
BIF    gives first IF (spectral window) to be included
BLAVG    Average cross-polarized UV data over baselines.
BLOAT    converts line data to greater number channels
BLPLT    Plots BLCAL tables in 2 dimensions as function of baseline and IF
BPASSPRM    Control adverb array for bandpass calibration
BPEDT    Interactive TV task to edit uv data based on BP tables
BPEPL    Plots bandpass tables overlaying multiple times like BPEDT
BPFLG    Flgas uv data based on bad BP values
BPLOT    Plots bandpass tables in 2 dimensions as function of time
BPPLT    Plots selected contents of bandpass (BP) files versus time
BPSMO    Smooths or interpolates bandpass tables to regular times
BPWAY    Determines channel-dependent relative weights
BPWGT    Calibrates data and scales weights by bandpass correction
BREAK    procedure to TELL FILLM to break all current uv files, start new
BSCAN    seeks best scan to use for phase cal, fringe search, ..
BSMOD    creates single-dish UV beam-switched data with model sources
BSROT    modifies SD beam-switch continuum data for error in throw
CALIB    determines antenna calibration: complex gain
CALMODEL    Applies SPLIT & UVSUB to make a model data set matching a calibrator
CAPLT    plots closure amplitude and model from CC file
CENTR    modifies UV data to center the reference channel
CLIP    edits data based on amplitudes, phases, and weights out of range
CLOSE    plots closure phase or amplitude spectra averaged over closures
CLPLT    plots closure phase and model from CC file
CMETHOD    specifies the method by which the uv model is computed
CMODEL    specifies the method by which the uv model is computed
COHER    Baseline Phase coherence measurement
CONFIG    Configuration ID number within an EVLA ASDM/BDF data set
CORER    calculates correlator statistics and flags bad ones
CORFQ    corrects uvw for incorrect observing frequency
CVEL    shifts spectral-line UV data to a given velocity
CXIMAGR    Grid UV data into a complex image, Fourier transform, Clean
DAYFX    Fixes day number problems left by FILLM
DBAPP    appends one or more data sets to the output data set
DBCON    concatenates two UV data sets
DECOR    Measures the decorrelation between channels and IF of uv data
DEFER    Controls when file creation takes place
DEFLG    edits data based on decorrelation over channels and time
DENAN    modifies UV data flagging all NaNs
DESCM    copies a portion of a UV data set
DFQID    modifies UV data changing the indicated FQIDs
DFTIM    Makes image of DFT at arbitrary point showing time vs frequency
DFTPL    plots DFT of a UV data set at arbitrary point versus time
DGAUS    Correct UV model for convolution by Clean beam
DIFRL    divides the RR data by LL data
DIFUV    Outputs the difference of two matching input uv data sets
DOACOR    specifies whether autocorrelation data are included
DOARRAY    spcifies if subarrays are ignored or the information used
DOBTWEEN    Controls smoothing between sources in calibration tables
DOCONCAT    selects concatenated or indivudual output files
DOEBAR    Controls display of estimates of the uncertainty in the data
DOIFS    controls functions done across IFs
DOREAL    Say to do operation with real/imaginary rather than amplitude/phase
DOROBUST    Controls method of averaging - simple mean/rms or robust
DOSTOKES    selects options related to polarizations
DOUVCOMP    selects use of compression in writing UV data to disk
DQUAL    Rearranges source list, dropping qualifiers
DSORC    copies a data set elliminating some source numbers
DSTOK    Drops the cross-hand polarizations
DT2PD    Write PD table from a PD table text file
DTCHK    Task to check results of a test using simulated data.
DTSUM    Task to provide a summary of the contents of a dataset
EDITA    Interactive TV task to edit uv data based on TY/SY/SN/CL tables
EDITR    Interactive baseline-oriented visibility editor using the TV
EIF    last IF (spectral window) number to be included in operation
ELFIT    Plots/fits selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files
EVACL    Evaluates statistics in closure phase and amplitude
EVASN    Evaluates statistics in SN/CL tables
EVAUV    Subtracts & divides a model into UV data, does statistics on results
EVLA    puts the list of eVLA antennas in the current file on stack
FEW    procedure to TELL FILLM to append incoming data to existing uv files
FGCNT    Counts samples comparing two flag tables or detailed count from ¡= 1
FGDIF    Compares affect of 2 FG tables
FGPLT    Plots selected contents of FG table
FGPRT    Pprints counts of selected portions of an FG table
FGSPW    Flags bad spectral windows
FGTAB    writes frequency-range flags to a text file to be read by UVFLG
FILLM    reads VLA on-line/archive format uv data tapes (post Jan 88)
FILLR    reads old VLA on-line-system tapes into AIPS
FINDR    Find normal values for a uv data set
FITAB    writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS format
FITDISK    writes images / uv data w extensions to disk in FITS format
FITTP    writes images / uv data w extensions to tape in FITS format
FIXAL    least squares fit aliasing function and remove
FIXAN    fixes the contents of the ANtenna extension file
FIXFR    Modifies UV data set making all frequencies increase or decrease
FIXRL    correctes right vs left polarizations for a list of antennas
FIXWT    Modify weights to reflect amplitude scatter of data
FLAGR    Edit data based on internal RMS, amplitudes, weights
FLGIT    flags data based on the rms of the spectrum
FLOPM    reverses the spectral order of UV data, can fix VLA error
FOV    Specifies the field of view
FQCENTER    specifies that the frequency axis should be centered
FREQSEL    List of frequencies desired
FRMAP    Task to build a map using fringe rate spectra
FRPLT    Task to plot fringe rate spectra
FTFLG    interactive flagging of UV data in channel-time using the TV
FUDGE    modifies UV data with user’s algorithm: paraform task
FXALIAS    least squares fit aliasing function and remove
FXPOL    Corrects VLBA polarization assignments
FXTIM    fixes start date so all times are positive
FXVLA    Task to correct VLA data for on-line errors in special cases.
FXVLB    Builds a CQ table to enable VLBA correlator loss corrections
GCPLT    Plots gain curves from text files
GETITIME    Verb to return the UV data integration time.
HA2TI    Converts data processed by TI2HA (STUFFER) back to real times
HAFIX    Recomputes u,v,w when time is hour angle (UVdata is output of TI2HA)
HLPEDIBP    Interactive BP table uv-data editor BPEDT - run-time help
HLPEDICL    Interactive SN/CL table uv-data editor - run-time help
HLPEDIPC    Interactive PC table editor PCEDT - run-time help
HLPEDIPD    Interactive PD table editor PDEDT - run-time help
HLPEDISN    Interactive SN/CL table (not UV) editor - run-time help
HLPEDISS    Interactive SY table (not UV) editor - run-time help
HLPEDISY    Interactive SY table uv-data editor EDITA - run-time help
HLPEDITS    Interactive TY table (not UV) editor - run-time help
HLPEDITY    Interactive TY table uv-data editor EDITA - run-time help
HLPEDIUV    Interactive uv-data editor EDITR - run-time help
HLPFTFLG    Interactive time-channel visibility Editor - run-time help
HLPIBLED    Interactive Baseline based visibility Editor - run-time help
HLPPCFLG    Interactive time-channel PC table Editor PCFLG - run-time help
HLPSPFLG    Interactive time-channel visibility Editor SPFLG - run-time help
HLPTVFLG    Interactive time-baseline visibility Editor TVFLG - run-time help
HLPUFLAG    Edit uv-data on a grid UFLAG - run-time help
HLPWIPER    edit uv data from UVPLT-like plot WIPER - run-time help
HOLGR    Read & process holography visibility data to telescope images
HOLIS    Prints information about holography sampling
HOLOG    Read & process holography visibility data to telescope images
HSA    puts the list of HSA antennas in the current file on stack
IBLED    Interactive BaseLine based visibility EDitor
IM2UV    converts an image to a visibility data set
IMFRING    large image delay fitting with IM2CC and OOFRING
IMSCAL    large image self-cal with IM2CC and OOCAL
INTTIME    adds user-generated lines to the history extension file
LISTR    prints contents of UV data sets and assoc. calibration tables
LISUN    prints contents of UV data sets with Sun angles
LOCIT    fits antenna locations from SN-table data
LPCAL    Determines instrumental polarization for UV data
M3TAR    translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format ”A” TAR’s into AIPS
MANY    procedure to TELL FILLM to start new uv files on each scan
MAPBM    Map VLA beam polarization
MATCH    changes antenna, source, FQ numbers to match a data set
MK3IN    translate Haystack MKIII VLBI format ”A” tapes into AIPS
MOD3D    Computes a 3D CC model from a set of facets
MORIF    Combines IFs or breaks spectral windows into multiple windows (IFs)
MSORT    Sort a UV dataset into a specified order
MULIF    Change number of IFs in output
MULTI    Task to convert single-source to multi-source UV data
NANS    reads an image or a UV data set and looks for NaNs
NCHAN    Number of spectral channels in each spectral window
NIF    Number of IFs (spectral windows) in a data set
NOIFS    makes all IFs into single spectrum
NPIECE    The number of pieces to make
NSKIP    Number of objects to skip
OBJECT    The name of an object
OBPLT    Plot columns of an OB table.
OFUDG    modifies UV data with user’s algorithm no cal adverbs: paraform task
OMFIT    Fits sources and, optionally, a self-cal model to uv data
OOCAL    determines antenna complex gain with frequency-dependent models
OOSRT    Sort a UV dataset into a specified order
OOSUB    Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base
OTFMODE    Specifies whether the data are in on-the-fly mode or not
PCAL    Determines instrumental polarization for UV data
PCASS    Finds amplitude bandpass shape from pulse-cal table data
PCCOR    Corrects phases using PCAL tones data from PC table
PCEDT    Interactive TV task to edit pulse-cal (PC) tables
PCFIT    Finds delays and phases using a pulse-cal (PC) table
PCFLG    interactive flagging of Pulse-cal data in channel-TB using the TV
PCPLT    Plots pulse-cal tables in 2 dimensions as function of time
PCVEL    shifts spectral-line UV data to a given velocity: planet version
PDEDT    Interactive TV task to edit polarization D-term (PD) tables
PDPLT    Plots selected contents of PD tables
PEELR    calibrates interfering sources in multi-facet imges
PHASE    Baseline Phase coherence measurement
PHNEG    Negates a UV datafile’s visibility phase.
PHSLIMIT    gives a phase value in degrees
PHSRF    Perform phase-referencing within a spectral line database.
PLOTC    Plots color schems used by 3-color plot tasks
PLRFI    Plots spectral statistics from output of VBRFI & VLBRF
POSSM    Task to plot total and cross-power spectra.
PPAPP    Applies Right minus Left phase difference to a 2nd data set
PRRFI    Prints excess spectral statistics from output of VBRFI & VLBRF
PRTAN    prints the contents of the ANtenna extension file
PRTUV    prints contents of a visibility (UV) data set
QCREATE    adverb controlling the way large files are created
QUACK    Flags beginning or end portions of UV-data scans
QUAL    Source qualifier
QUFIX    determines Right minus Left phase difference, corrects cal files
QUIT    procedure to TELL FILLM to stop at the end of the current scan
QUOUT    writes text file of Q, U versus frequency to be used by RLDIF
READISK    Reads images / uv data w extensions in FITS format into AIPS
REAMP    Scale visibility amplitudes by IF- or subarray-dependent factor
REFDATE    To specify the initial or reference date of a data set
REFLG    Attempts to compress a flag table
REIFS    Breaks spectral windows into multiple spectral windows (IFs)
RESEQ    Renumber antennas
REWAY    computes weights based in rms in spectra
REWEIGHT    Reweighting factors for UV data weights.
REWGT    modifies UV data re-scaling the weights only
RFLAG    Flags data set based on time and freq rms in fringe visibilities
RIRMS    computes rms of real/imag of a selected subset of a uv data set
RLCAL    Determines instrumental right-left phase versus time (a self-cal)
RLCOR    corrects a data set for R-L phase differences
RLDIF    determines Right minus Left phase difference, corrects cal files
ROBUST    Uniform weighting ”robustness” parameter
SBCOR    Task to correct VLBA data for phase shift between USB & LSB
SDLSF    least squares fit to channels and subtracts from SD uv data
SDMOD    modifies single-dish UV data with model sources
SDVEL    shifts spectral-line single-dish data to a given velocity
SETAN    Reads an ANtenna file info from a text file
SHADO    Calculate the shadowing of antennas at the array
SHAHO    Flags Holography data for shadowing
SHOUV    displays uv data in various ways.
SMOOTH    Specifies spectral smoothing
SNBLP    Plots selected contents of SN or CL files on a baseline basis
SNEDT    Interactive SN/CL/TY/SY table editor using the TV
SNFIT    Fits parabola to SN amplitudes and plots result
SNFLG    Writes flagging info based on the contents of SN files
SNIFS    Plots selected contents of SN, TY, SY, PC or CL files by IF
SNPLT    Plots selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files versus time
SNREF    Chooses best reference antenna to minimize R-L differences
SNRMS    Print statistics for selected contents of SN, SY, TY, PC or CL files
SORT    Specified desired sort order
SOUSP    fits source spectral index from SU table or adverbs
SPCAL    Determines instrumental polzn. for spec. line UV data
SPECR    Spectral regridding task for UV data
SPFLG    interactive flagging of UV data in channel-TB using the TV
SPLAT    Applies calibration and splits or assemble selected sources.
SPLIT    converts multi-source to single-source UV files w calibration
SPMOD    Modify UV database by adding a model with spectral lines
SPRMS    Plots spectral statistics of a selected subset of a uv data set
STOKES    Stokes parameter
STOP    procedure to TELL FILLM to break all current uv files and stop
STUFFR    averages together data sets in hour angle
SUFIX    modifies source numbers on uv data
SWAPR    modifies UV data by swapping real and imaginary parts
SWPOL    Swap polarizations in a UV data base
SYFIX    modifies OTF SY DATA to match the source numbers in the data set
SYVSN    Plots selected SY/TY data with SN solution values versus time
TBAVG    Time averages data combining all baselines.
TELFLM    procedure to TELL real-time FILLM a new APARM(1) value
TEPLT    Plots selected contents of TE (TECOR) parameter tables
TFILE    sorts and edits MkIII correlator UNIX-based A-file.
TI2HA    modifies times in UV data to hour angles
TIORD    checks data for time baseline ordering, displays failures
TLCAL    Converts JVLA telcal files to an SN file
TRUEP    determines true antenna polarization from special data sets
TVFLG    interactive flagging of UV data using the TV
U2CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN2DISK
U3CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN3DISK
U4CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN4DISK
U5CAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk IN5DISK
UBAVG    Baseline dependent time averaging of uv data
UCAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk INDISK
UFLAG    Plots and edits data using a uv-plane grid and the TV
UJOIN    modifies UV data converting IFs to spectral channels
UOCAT    list a user’s UV and scratch files on disk OUTDISK
USUBA    Assign subarrays within a uv-data file
UV1TYPE    Convolving function type 1, pillbox or square wave
UV2MS    Append single-source file to multi-source file.
UV2TB    Converts UV autocorrelation spectra to tables
UV2TYPE    Convolving function type 2, exponential function
UV3TYPE    Convolving function type 3, sinc function
UV4TYPE    Convolving function type 4, exponent times sinc function
UV5TYPE    Convolving function type 5, spheroidal function
UV6TYPE    Convolving function type 6, exponent times BessJ1(x) / x
UVADC    Fourier transforms and corrects a model and adds to uv data.
UVADD    Combines two matching uv data sets
UVAVG    Average or merge a sorted (BT, TB) uv database
UVBAS    averages several channels and subtracts from uv data.
UVBOX    radius of the smoothing box used for uniform weighting
UVBXFN    type of function used when counting for uniform weighting
UVCMP    Convert a UV database to or from compressed format
UVCON    Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array layout
UVCOP    Task to copy a subset of a UV data file
UVCOPPRM    Parameter adverb array for task UVCOP
UVCRS    Finds the crossing points of UV-ellipses.
UVDEC    Decrements the number of spectral channels, keeping every nth
UVDGP    Copy a UV data file, deleting a portion of it
UVDI1    Subtract UV data(averaged up to one time) from the other UV data
UVDIF    prints differences between two UV data sets
UVFIL    Create, fill a uv database from user supplied information
UVFIT    Fits source models to uv data.
UVFIX    Recomputes u,v,w for a uv database
UVFIXPRM    Parameter adverb array for task UVFIX
UVFLG    Flags UV-data
UVFND    prints selected data from UV data set to search for problems
UVFRE    Makes one data set have the spectral structure of another
UVGIT    Fits source models to uv data.
UVGLU    Glues UV data frequency blocks back together
UVHGM    Plots statistics of uv data files as histogram.
UVHIM    Makes image of the histogram on two user-chosen axes
UVHOL    Prints holography data from a UV data base with calibration
UVIMG    Grid UV data into an ”image”
UVLIN    Fits and removes continuum visibility spectrum, also can flag
UVLOD    Read export or FITS data from a tape or disk
UVLSD    least squares fit to channels and divides the uv data.
UVLSF    least squares fit to channels and subtracts from uv data.
UVMLN    edits data based on the rms of the spectrum
UVMOD    Modify UV database by adding a model incl spectral index
UVMTH    Averages one data set and applied it to another.
UVNOU    flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce interference
UVPLT    Plots data from a UV data base in multiple ways
UVPOL    modifies UV data to make complex image and beam
UVPRM    measures parameters from a UV data base
UVPRT    prints data from a UV data base with calibration
UVRANGE    Specify range of projected baselines
UVRFI    Mitigate RFI by Fourier transform or fitting the circle
UVRMS    computes statistics of a selected subset of a uv data set
UVSEN    Determine RMS sidelobe level and brightness sensitivity
UVSIM    Generate sample UV coverage given a user defined array layout
UVSIZE    specifies number of pixels on X and Y axes of a UV image
UVSRT    Sort a UV dataset into a specified order
UVSUB    Subtracts/divides a model from/into a uv data base
UVTAPER    Widths in U and V of gaussian weighting taper function
UVWAX    flags uv samples near the U,V axes to reduce interference
UVWTFN    Specify weighting function, Uniform or Natural
VBGLU    Glues together data from multiple passes thru the VLBA corr.
VBRFI    Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data for RFI
VECTOR    selects method of averaging UV data
VH2RL    Converts from linear to circular polarization and vice versa
VHDIF    find/apply V minus H linear polarization phase difference
VHMOD    Compute linear polarization point source model, applies to data
VLA    puts the list of VLA antennas in the current file on stack
VLBA    puts the list of VLBA antennas in the current file on stack
VLBIN    Task to read VLBI data from an NRAO/MPI MkII correlator
VLBRF    Plots spectral statistics of VLBA autocorrelation data for RFI
VPFLG    Resets flagging to all or all corss-hand whenever some are flagged
VPLOT    Plots uv data and model from CC file
VTEST    Measures velocity discrepancy across fields
WEIGHTIT    Controls modification of weights before gain/fringe solutions
WETHR    Plots selected contents of WX tables, flags data based on WX
WIPER    plots and edits data from a UV data base using the TV
WRTDISK    writes images / uv data w extensions to disk in FITS format
WRTPROCS    Procedures to simplify the reduction of VLBA data
WTMOD    modifies weights in a UV data set
WTUV    Specifies the weight to use for UV data outside UVRANGE
XYDIF    find/apply X minus Y linear polarization phase difference
XYMOD    Compute linear polarization point source model, applies to data
XYPHASE    X-Y phase differences
ZEROSP    Specify how to include zero spacing fluxes in FT of UV data