Type:  General type of POPS symbol  
Use:   Adverbs are the symbols used to address values.  They  
       may be REAL (single-precision floating point), \zxhlp{ARRAY}  
       (multiply-dimensioned REALs), or \zxhlp{STRING} (character  
       strings with or without subscripts).  The user may  
       create new adverbs by defining them while typing or  
       editing procedures.  
Grammar:   Adverb names may be used either in compile mode  
       or in regular execute mode.  In the former, their  
       pointers are compiled with the procedure and their  
       values, at the time the procedure is invoked, are  
       used during the execution of the procedure.  
Usage examples:  
       \zxhlp{ARRAY2} = \zxhlp{ARRAY1}  
       \zxhlp{ARRAY3}(I,J) = 23.6  
       \zxhlp{CHAN} = 4  
       STRARRY = ’STR1’,’STR2’,’STR3’,STRAR2  
       DUM3 (24, I, STRARRY)  
    =====>  Character string data must be enclosed in quotes!  
    =====>  This allows the compiler to tell data from adverb  
            names and allows embedded special characters.  
List of ADVERBs

ALIAS    adverb to alias antenna numbers to one another
ALLOKAY    specifies that initial conditions have been met.
ANTENNAS    Antennas to include/exclude from the task or verb
ANTNAME    A list of antenna (station) names
ANTUSE    Antennas to include/exclude from the task or verb
ANTWT    Antenna Weights for UV data correction in Calibration
APARM    General numeric array adverb used many places
ARRAY1    General scratch array adverb
ARRAY2    General scratch array adverb
ARRAY3    General scratch array adverb
ASDMFILE    Full path to EVLA ASDM/BDF directory
ASPMM    Plot scaling parameter - arc seconds per millimeter on plot
AVGCHAN    Controls averaging of spectral channels
AVGIF    Controls averaging of IF channels
AVOPTION    Controls type or range of averaging done by a task
AX2REF    Second reference pixel number
AXINC    Axis increment - change in coordinate between pixels
AXREF    Reference pixel number
AXTYPE    Type of coordinate axis
AXVAL    Value of axis coordinate at reference pixel
BADDISK    specifies which disks are to be avoided for scratch files
BAND    specifies the approximate frequency of UV data to be selected
BANDPOL    specifies polarizations of individual IFs
BASELINE    specifies which antenna pairs are to be selected/deselected
BATFLINE    specifies starting line in a batch work file
BATNLINE    specifies the number of lines to process in a batch work file
BATQUE    specifies the desired batch queue
BCHAN    sets the beginning channel number
BCOMP    gives beginning component number for multiple fields
BCOUNT    gives beginning location for start of a process
BDROP    gives number of pooints dropped at the beginning
BIF    gives first IF (spectral window) to be included
BITER    gives beginning point for some iterative process
BLC    gives lower-left-corner of selected subimage
BLOCKING    specifies blocking factor to use on e.g. tape records
BLVER    specifies the version of the baseline-calibration table used
BMAJ    gives major axis size of beam or component
BMIN    gives minor axis size of beam or component
BOX    specifies pixel coordinates of subarrays of an image
BOXFILE    specifies name of Clean box text file
BPA    gives position angle of major axis of beam or component
BPARM    general numeric array adverb used too many places
BPASSPRM    Control adverb array for bandpass calibration
BPRINT    gives beginning location for start of a printing process
BPVER    specifies the version of the bandpass table to be applied
BWSMEAR    amount of bandwidth smearing correction to use
CALCODE    specifies the type of calibrator to be selected
CALIN    specifies name of input disk file usually with calibration data
CALSOUR    specifies source names to be included in calibration
CATNO    Specifies AIPS catalog slot number range
CBPLOT    selects a display of a Clean beam full width at half maximum
CCBOX    specifies pixel coordinates of subarrays of an image
CELLSIZE    gives the pixel size in physical coordinates
CHANNEL    sets the spectral channel number
CHANSEL    Array of start, stop, increment channel numbers to average
CHINC    the increment between selected channels
CLBOX    specifies subarrays of an image for Clean to search
CLCORPRM    Parameter adverb array for task CLCOR
CLEV    Contour level multiplier in physical units
CLINT    CL table entry interval
CMETHOD    specifies the method by which the uv model is computed
CMODEL    specifies the method by which the uv model is computed
CODETYPE    specifies the desired operation or data type
COLORS    specifies the desired TV colors
COMMENT    64-character comment string
CON3COL    Controls use of full 3-color graphics for contouring
CONFIG    Configuration ID number within an EVLA ASDM/BDF data set
COOINC    Celestial axes increment: change in coordinate between pixels
COORDINA    Array to hold coordinate values
COOREF    Reference pixel number for two coordinate axes
COOTYPE    Celestial axes projection type
COPIES    sets the number of copies to be made
CPARM    general numeric array adverb used many places
CROWDED    allows a task to perform its function in a crowded fashion
CTYPE    specifies type of component
CUTOFF    specifies a limit below or above which the operation ends
DARKLINE    The level at which vectors are switched from light to dark
DATA2IN    specifies name of input FITS disk file
DATAIN    specifies name of input FITS disk file
DATAOUT    specifies name of output FITS disk file
DCHANSEL    Array of start, stop, increment channel #S + IF to avoid
DCODE    General string adverb
DDISK    Deterimins where input Y2K data are found
DDTSIZE    String formerly used by the DDT test
DECIMAL    specifies if something is in decimal format
DECSHIFT    gives Y-coordinate shift of an image center from reference
DEFER    Controls when file creation takes place
DELCORR    Controls task actions on calibration tables.
DELTAX    Increment or size in X direction
DELTAY    Increment or size in Y direction
DENSITY    gives the desired tape density
DENUMB    a scalar decimal number
DETIME    specifies a time interval for an operation (destroy, batch)
DIGICOR    specifies whether VLBA digital corrections are to be applied
DIST    gives a distance
DO3COLOR    Controls whether full 3-color graphics are used in a plot
DO3DIMAG    specifies whether uvw’s are reprojected to each field center
DOACOR    specifies whether autocorrelation data are included
DOALIGN    specifies how two or more images are aligned in computations
DOALL    specifies if an operation is done once or for all matching
DOALPHA    specifies whether some list is alphabetized
DOAPPLY    Flag to indicate whether an operation is applied to the data
DOARRAY    spcifies if subarrays are ignored or the information used
DOBAND    specifies if/how bandpass calibration is applied
DOBLANK    controls handling of blanking
DOBTWEEN    Controls smoothing between sources in calibration tables
DOCALIB    specifies whether a gain table is to be applied or not
DOCAT    specifies whether the output is saved (cataloged) or not
DOCELL    selects units of cells over angular unit
DOCENTER    selects something related to centering
DOCIRCLE    select a ”circular” display (i.e. trace coordinates, ...)
DOCLIP    Controls whether and how a CLIP operation is performed
DOCOLOR    specifies whether coloring is done
DOCONCAT    selects concatenated or indivudual output files
DOCONFRM    selects user confirmation modes of repetitive operation
DOCONT    selects a display of contour lines
DOCRT    selects printer display or CRT display (giving width)
DODARK    specifies whether ”dark” vectors are plotted dark or light
DODATE    specifies if the dat and time are to be used in some way
DODELAY    selects solution for phase/amplitude or delay rate/phase
DOEBAR    Controls display of estimates of the uncertainty in the data
DOEOF    selects end-of-file writing or reading until
DOEOT    selects tape positioning before operation: present or EOI
DOFIT    Controls which antennas are fit by what methods
DOFLAG    Controls closure cutoff in gain solutions and flagging
DOFRACT    Tells whether to compute a fraction or ratio
DOGREY    selects a display of a grey-scale image
DOGRIDCR    selects correction for gridding convolution function
DOHIST    selects a histogram display or controls writing of history file
DOHMS    selects sexagesimal (hours-mins-secs) display format
DOIFS    controls functions done across IFs
DOINVERS    selects opposite of normal function
DOKEEP    specifies if something is kept or deleted
DOMAX    selects solutions for maxima of models
DOMODEL    selects display of model function
DONEWTAB    do we make new tables, use a new table format, etc.
DOOUTPUT    selects whether output image or whatever is saved / discarded
DOPLOT    Controls plotting of something
DOPOL    selects application of any polarization calibration
DOPOS    selects solutions for positions of model components
DOPRINT    selects printer display or CRT display (giving width)
DOREAL    Say to do operation with real/imaginary rather than amplitude/phase
DORESID    selects display of differences between model and data
DOROBUST    Controls method of averaging - simple mean/rms or robust
DOSCALE    specifies if a scaling operation of some sort is to be performed
DOSCAN    specifies if a scan-related operation is to be done
DOSLICE    selects display of slice data
DOSPIX    selects solutions for spectral index of model components
DOSTOKES    selects options related to polarizations
DOTABLE    selects use of table-format for data
DOTV    selects use of TV display option in operation
DOTWO    do we make two of something
DOUVCOMP    selects use of compression in writing UV data to disk
DOVECT    selects display of polarization vectors
DOWAIT    selects wait-for-completion mode for running tasks
DOWEDGE    selects display of intensity step wedge
DOWEIGHT    selects operations with data weights
DOWIDTH    selects solution for widths of model components
DPARM    General numeric array adverb used many places
ECHAN    define an end for a range of channel numbers
ECOUNT    give the highest count or iteration for some process
EDGSKP    Deterimins border excluded from comparision or use
EDROP    number of points/iterations to be omitted from end of process
EFACTOR    scales some error analysis process
EHNUMB    an extended hexadecimal ”number”
EIF    last IF (spectral window) number to be included in operation
EPRINT    gives location for end of a printing process
ERROR    was there an error
EXPERT    specifies an user experience level or mode
FACTOR    scales some display or CLEANing process
FGAUSS    Minimum flux to Clean to by widths of Gaussian models
FITOUT    specifies name of output text file for results of fitting
FLAGVER    selects version of the flagging table to be applied
FLDSIZE    specifies size(s) of images to be processed
FLMCOMM    Comment for film recorder image.
FLUX    gives a total intensity value for image/component or to limit
FMAX    specifies peak values of model components - results of fits
FORMAT    gives a format code number: e.g. FITS accuracy required
FOV    Specifies the field of view
FPARM    General numeric array adverb used in modeling
FPOS    specifies pixel positions of fit model components
FQCENTER    specifies that the frequency axis should be centered
FQTOL    Frequency tolerance with which FQ or frequency entries are accepted.
FREQID    Frequency Identifier for frequency, bandwidth combination
FREQSEL    List of frequencies desired
FSHIFT    specifies a position shift - output from fitting routines
FSIZE    file size in Megabytes
FUNCTYPE    specifies type of intensity transfer function
FWIDTH    gives widths of model components - results of fitting
GAIN    specifies loop gain for deconvolutions
GAINERR    gives estimate of gain uncertainty for each antenna
GAINUSE    specifies output gain table or gain table applied to data
GAINVER    specifies the input gain table
GCVER    specifies the version of the gain curve table used
GG    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
GMAX    specifies peak values of model components
GPOS    specifies pixel positions of model components
GR2CHAN    specifies a second TV graphics channel to be used
GRADDRES    specifies user’s home address for replies to gripes
GRCHAN    specifies the TV graphics channel to be used
GREMAIL    gives user’s e-mail address name for reply to gripe entry
GRNAME    gives user’s name for reply to gripe entry
GRPHONE    specifies phone number to call for questions about a gripe
GUARD    portion of UV plane to receive no data in gridding
GWIDTH    gives widths of model components
HIEND    End record number in a history-file operation
HISTART    Start record number in a history-file operation
I    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
ICHANSEL    Array of start, stop, increment channel #S + IF to average
ICUT    specifies a cutoff level in units of the image
IM2PARM    Specifes enhancement parameters for OOP-based imaging: 2nd set
IMAGRPRM    Specifes enhancement parameters for OOP-based imaging
IMSIZE    specifies number of pixels on X and Y axis of an image
IN2CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2EXT    specifies the type of the 2nd input extension file
IN2FILE    specifies name of a disk file, outside the regular catalog
IN2NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2TYPE    specifies the type of the 2nd input image or data base
IN2VERS    specifies the version number of the 2nd input extension file
IN3CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3EXT    specifies the type of the 3rd input extension file
IN3NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3TYPE    specifies the type of the 3rd input image or data base
IN3VERS    specifies the version number of the 3rd input extension file
IN4CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 4th input image or data base
IN4DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 4th input image or data base
IN4NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 4th input image or data base
IN4SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 4th input image or data base
IN4TYPE    specifies the type of the 4th input image or data base
IN4VERS    specifies the version number of the 4th input extension file
IN5CLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 5th input image or data base
IN5DISK    specifies the disk drive of the 5th input image or data base
IN5NAME    specifies the ”name” of the 5th input image or data base
IN5SEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 5th input image or data base
IN5TYPE    specifies the type of the 5th input image or data base
IN5VERS    specifies the version number of the 5th input extension file
INCLASS    specifies the ”class” of the 1st input image or data base
INDISK    specifies the disk drive of the 1st input image or data base
INEXT    specifies the type of the 1st input extension file
INFILE    specifies name of a disk file, outside the regular catalog
INLIST    specifies name of input disk file, usually a source list
INNAME    specifies the ”name” of the 1st input image or data base
INSEQ    specifies the sequence # of the 1st input image or data base
INTAPE    specifies the input tape drive number
INTERPOL    specifies the type of averaging done on the complex gains
INTEXT    specifies name of input text file, not in regular catalog
INTPARM    specifies the parameters of the frequency interpolation function
INTTIME    adds user-generated lines to the history extension file
INTYPE    specifies the type of the 1st input image or data base
INVERS    specifies the version number of the 1st input extension file
IOTAPE    Deterimins which tape drive is used during a Y2K RUN
ISCALIB    states that the current source is a point-source calibrator
J    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
JOBNUM    specifies the batch job number
KEYSTRNG    gives contents of character-valued keyword parameter
KEYTYPE    Adverb giving the keyword data type code
KEYVALUE    gives contents of numeric-valued keyword parameter
KEYWORD    gives name of keyword parameter - i.e. name of header field
LABEL    selects a type of extra labeling for a plot
LEVS    list of multiples of the basic level to be contoured
LPEN    specifies the ”pen width” code # =¿ width of plotted lines
LTYPE    specifies the type and degree of axis labels on plots
MAPDIF    Was used by the DDT test suite
MAXPIXEL    maximum pixels searched for components in Clark CLEAN
MAXVERS    The maximum version number of a specified extension file type
MDISK    Determins where input Y2K data are found
MINAMPER    specifies the minimum amplitude error prior to some action
MINANTEN    states minimum number of antennas for a solution
MINPATCH    specifies the minimum size allowed for the center of the beam
MINPHSER    specifies the minimum phase error prior to some action
NAXIS    Axis number
NBOXES    Number of boxes
NCCBOX    Number of clean component boxes
NCHAN    Number of spectral channels in each spectral window
NCHAV    Number of channels averaged in an operation
NCOMP    Number of CLEAN components
NCOUNT    General adverb, usually a count of something
NDIG    Number of digits to display
NFIELD    The number of fields imaged
NFILES    The number of files to skip, usually on a tape.
NGAUSS    Number of Gaussians to fit
NIF    Number of IFs (spectral windows) in a data set
NITER    The number of iterations of a process.
NMAPS    Number of maps (images) in an operation
NOISE    estimates the noise in images, noise level cutoff
NORMALIZ    specifies the type of gain normaliztion if any
NPIECE    The number of pieces to make
NPLOTS    gives number of plots per page or per job
NPOINTS    General adverb giving the number of something
NPRINT    gives number of items to be printed
NSKIP    Number of objects to skip
NTHREAD    Controls number of threads used by multi-threaded processes in OBIT
NUMTELL    selects POPS number of task which is the target of a TELL or ABORT
NX    General adverb referring to a number of things in the X direction
NY    General adverb referring to a number of things in the Y direction
OBJECT    The name of an object
OBOXFILE    specifies name of output Clean box text file
OFFSET    General adverb, the offset of something.
OFMFILE    specifies the name of a text file containing OFM values
ONEBEAM    specifies whether one beam is made for all facets or one for each
ONEFREQ    states that the current CC model was made with one frequency
OPCODE    General adverb, defines an operation
OPTELL    The operation to be passed to a task by TELL
OPTYPE    General adverb, defines a type of operation.
ORDER    Adverb used usually to specify the order of polynomial fit
OTFMODE    Specifies whether the data are in on-the-fly mode or not
OUT2CLAS    The class of a secondary output file
OUT2DISK    The disk number of a secondary output file.
OUT2NAME    The name of a secondary output file.
OUT2SEQ    The sequence of a secondary output file.
OUTCLASS    The class of an output file
OUTDISK    The disk number of an output file.
OUTFGVER    selects version of the flagging table to be written
OUTFILE    specifies name of output disk file, not in regular catalog
OUTNAME    The name of an output file.
OUTPRINT    Specifies name of disk file to keep the printer output
OUTSEQ    The sequence of an output file.
OUTTAPE    The output tape drive number.
OUTTEXT    specifies name of output text file, not in regular catalog
OUTVERS    The output version number of an extension file (table).
OVERLAP    specifies how overlaps are to be handled
OVRSWTCH    specifies when IMAGR switches from OVERLAP ¿= 2 to OVERLAP = 1 mode
PBPARM    Primary beam parameters
PBSIZE    estimates the primary beam size in interferometer images
PCUT    Cutoff in polarized intensity
PDVER    specifies the version of the spetral polarization table to use
PHASPRM    Phase data array, by antenna number.
PHAT    Prussian hat size
PHSLIMIT    gives a phase value in degrees
PIX2VAL    An image value in the units specified in the header.
PIX2XY    Specifies a pixel in an image
PIXAVG    Average image value
PIXRANGE    Range of pixel values to display
PIXSTD    RMS pixel deviation
PIXVAL    Value of a pixel
PIXXY    Specifies a pixel location.
PLCOLORS    specifies the colors to be used
PLEV    Percentage of peak to use for contour levels
PLVER    specifies the version number of a PL extension file
PMODEL    Polarization model parameters
POL3COL    Controls use of full 3-color graphics for polarization lines
POLANGLE    Intrinsic polarization angles for up to 30 sources
POLPLOT    specifies the desired polarization ratio before plotting.
PRIORITY    Limits prioroty of messages printed
PRNUMBER    POPS number of messages
PRSTART    First record number in a print operation
PRTASK    Task name selected for printed information
PRTIME    Time limit
PRTLEV    Specifies a code for the amount of information requested.
PRTLIMIT    specifies limits to printing functions
PVPLOT    selects a display of a polarization vector in a box in a corner
QCREATE    adverb controlling the way large files are created
QUAL    Source qualifier
QUANTIZE    Quantization level to use
RADIUS    Specify a radius in an image
RASHIFT    Shift in RA
REASON    The reason for an operation
REFANT    Reference antenna
REFDATE    To specify the initial or reference date of a data set
REFREQ    Specifies the frequency to be uased as the reference
REMHOST    gives the name of another computer which will provide service
REMQUE    specifies the desired batch queue on a remote computer
REMTAPE    gives the number of another computer’s tape device
RESTFREQ    Rest frequency of a transition
REWEIGHT    Reweighting factors for UV data weights.
RGBCOLOR    specifies the desired TV graphics color
RGBGAMMA    specifies the desired color gamma corrections
RGBLEVS    colors to be applied to the contour levels
RMSLIMIT    selects things with RMS above this limit
ROBUST    Uniform weighting ”robustness” parameter
ROMODE    Specified roam mode
ROTATE    Specifies a rotation
ROTMEAS    Tells the rotation measure of a source
RPARM    General numeric array adverb used in modeling
SAMPTYPE    Specifies sampling type
SCALR1    General adverb
SCALR2    General adverb
SCALR3    General adverb
SCANLENG    specify length of ”scan”
SCUTOFF    noise level cutoff
SEARCH    Ordered list of antennas for fring searches
SELBAND    SpecifieS bandwidth of the desired frequency ID
SELFREQ    SpecifieS frequency of desirde frequency ID
SHIFT    specifies a position shift
SKEW    Specifies a skew angle
SLOT    Specifies AIPS catalog slot number
SMODEL    Source model
SMOOTH    Specifies spectral smoothing
SMOTYPE    Specifies smoothing
SNCORPRM    Task-specific parameters for SNCOR.
SNCUT    Specifies minimum signal-to-noise ratio
SNVER    specifies the output solution table
SOLCON    Gain solution constraint factor
SOLINT    Solution interval
SOLMIN    Minimum number of solution sub-intervals in a solution
SOLMODE    Solution mode
SOLSUB    Solution sub-interval
SOLTYPE    Solution type
SORT    Specified desired sort order
SOUCODE    Calibrator code for source, not calibrator, selection
SOURCES    A list of source names
SPARM    General string array adverb
SPECFLUX    Specifies the flux at the reference frequency
SPECINDX    Spectral index used to correct calibrations
SPECPARM    Spectral index per polarization per source
SPECTRAL    Flag to indicate whether an operation is spectral or continuum
SPECURVE    Spectral index survature used to correct calibrations
SRCALIAS    A list of source names, used as an alias
SRCNAME    A single source name
STFACTOR    scales star display or SDI CLEANing process
STOKES    Stokes parameter
STORE    Store current POPS environment
STRA1    General string adverb
STRA2    General string adverb
STRA3    General string adverb
STRB1    General string adverb
STRB2    General string adverb
STRB3    General string adverb
STRC1    General string adverb
STRC2    General string adverb
STRC3    General string adverb
STVERS    star display table version number
SUBARRAY    Subarray number
SYMBOL    General adverb, probably defines a plotting symbol type
SYS2COM    specifies a command to be sent to the operating system
SYSCOM    specifies a command to be sent to the operating system
SYSOUT    specifies the output device or file used by the system
SYSVEL    Systemic velocity
TASK    Name of a task
TAU0    Opacities by antenna number
TBLC    Gives the bottom left corner of an image to be displayed
TCODE    Deterimins which type of Y2K is RUN.
TDISK    Deterimins where output Y2K data is placed
THEDATE    contains the date and time in a string form
TIMERANG    Specifies a time range
TIMSMO    Specifiessmoothing times
TMASK    Deterimins which tasks are executed when a Y2K is RUN.
TMODE    Deterimins which input is used when a Y2K is RUN.
TNAMF    Internal variable for Y2K test suite
TRANSCOD    Specified desired transposition of an image
TRC    Specified the top right corner of a subimage
TRECVR    Receiver temperatures by polarization and antenna
TRIANGLE    specifies closure triangles to be selected/deselected
TTRC    Specifies the top right corner of a subimage to be displayed
TV2CHAN    Specified a second TV channel (plane) used in some operations
TVBUT    Tells which AIPS TV button was pushed
TVCHAN    Specified a TV channel (plane)
TVCORN    Specified the TV pixel for the bottom left corner of an image
TVLEVS    Gives the peak intensity to be displayed in levels
TVXY    Pixel position on the TV screen
TXINC    TV X coordinate increment
TYINC    TV Y coordinate increment
TYVER    specifies the version of the system temperature table used
TZINC    TV Z coordinate increment
USERID    User number
UVBOX    radius of the smoothing box used for uniform weighting
UVBXFN    type of function used when counting for uniform weighting
UVCOPPRM    Parameter adverb array for task UVCOP
UVFIXPRM    Parameter adverb array for task UVFIX
UVRANGE    Specify range of projected baselines
UVSIZE    specifies number of pixels on X and Y axes of a UV image
UVTAPER    Widths in U and V of gaussian weighting taper function
UVWTFN    Specify weighting function, Uniform or Natural
VCODE    General string adverb
VECTOR    selects method of averaging UV data
VELDEF    Specifies velocity definition
VELTYP    Velocity frame of reference
VERSION    Specify AIPS version or local task area
VLAMODE    VLA observing mode
VLAOBS    Observing program or part of observer’s name
VLBINPRM    Control parameters to read data from NRAO/MPI MkII correlators
VNUMBER    Specifies the task parameter (VGET/VPUT) save area
VPARM    General numeric array adverb used in modeling
WEIGHTIT    Controls modification of weights before gain/fringe solutions
WGAUSS    Widths of Gaussian models (FWHM)
WTTHRESH    defines the weight threshold for data acceptance
WTUV    Specifies the weight to use for UV data outside UVRANGE
X    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
XAXIS    Which parameter is plotted on the horizontal axis.
XINC    increment associated with an array of numbers
XPARM    General adverb for up to 10 parameters, may refer to X coord
XTYPE    X axis (U) convolving function type
XYPHASE    X-Y phase differences
XYRATIO    Ratio of X to Y units per pixel
Y    spare scalar adverb for use in procedures
YINC    Y axis increment
YPARM    Specifies Y axis convolving function
YTYPE    Y axis (V) convolving function type
ZEROSP    Specify how to include zero spacing fluxes in FT of UV data
ZINC    Set the increment of the third axis
ZXRATIO    Ratio between Z axis (pixel value) and X axis